노루쿤의 에뮬랜드


■ 아약스 - Ajax

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게임 제작사 (Making)


제작 년도 (Since)


카테고리 (Category)

Shooter / Flying Vertical

에뮬 구분 (Emulator)

마메 (MAME)

게임용량 (Size)

1.29 MB

소스 (Source)


타이틀 (Title)

포스터 (Poster)



캐비넷 (Cabinet)


■ 게임 다운로드 (Game Download)



10MB 보다 큰 파일은 용량 제한으로 인하여 알집으로 분할 압축되어 있습니다.

다운받으신 다음 압축을 한번 해제한 후 zip 형식의 롬파일을 roms 폴더에 넣어주어야 합니다.

원본롬 파일은 게임 실행에 반드시 필요하므로 다운받아야 합니다.



(Clone Roms)

세계판 (World ver.)

유럽판 (Europe ver.)

미국판 (America ver.)

아시아판 (Asia ver.)

일본판 (Japan ver.)

아약스 (일본판) Ajax (Japan)


라틴판 (Latin ver.)

브라질판 (Brazil ver.)

해적판 (Crack ver.)

기타 (Etc ver.)

타이푼 Typhoon


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아트웍 (Artwork) 설정방법 → 바로가기




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■ 게임 이미지 (Snap Shot)



■ 게임 설명

1987년 코나미의 슈팅게임.

이쪽은 A-JAX라고 표기한다. 비교적 현대전에 가까운 기체가 나오지만 다른 코나미의 인기슈팅에 묻혔다. 

그래도 메인 BGM이 비트매니아 IIDX 10th style에 메들리형식으로 어레인지 된다든가, 메인 기체인 '제리 마우스' (이름을 보면

알겠지만 F-14톰캣을 모티브로 한 기체다) 가 코나미의 플라이트 슈팅게임인 에어포스 델타 블루윙 나이츠에 숨겨진 기체로 다른

코나미 슈팅 게임기체들과 함께 모습을 드러낸다든가 하는 식으로 존재감이 아주 없진 않다.


Ajax (c) 1987 Konami.

The player has been issued an emergency order. He must save the earth from being conquered by enemy forces. He climbs into his helicopter and prepares for intense aerial combat. Shooting oncoming enemy aircrafts and bombing the enemies below, he tries to make his way through the different stages to reach the enemy base. When he finishes the first stage, he is transported to his next mission by ab aircraft carrier. He hops into his jet fighters, tanks, ships, helicopters, and aircraft carriers. The player must also be aware of unseen enemies and surprise attacks.

Different kinds of power ups can be obtained throughout the game. These include:

'3' 3-Way: Bullets fire forward, right, and left.

'L' Laser: Player can shoot double lasers.

'T' Triple: Missiles are fired that spread out three ways in front.

'V' Vulcan: Rapid bullets are fired in the directions controlled.

'B' Bomb: Air to ground missles which can be upgraded twice.

'O' Orbital: A small drone using the same weaponry as the helicopter which can be otained by clearing a special formation of little red fighters.

There is an additional super weapon that destroys all the enemies on the screen at once. However, use of this weapon is limited.

contains 2 different types of stages : 2-D and 3-D. In the 2-D stage, the player controls a helicopter. In the 3-D stage, the player commands a jet fighter.

features some impressive graphics filled with rotation and scaling effects (some may get a little dizzy, though!), a solid soundtrack and excellent game control. Highly recommended for any shoot'em up enthusiast!


Game ID : GX770

Main CPU : KONAMI (@ 3 Mhz), M6809 (@ 3 Mhz), Z80 (@ 3.579545 Mhz)

Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.579545 Mhz), (2x) K007232 (@ 3.579545 Mhz)

Screen orientation : Vertical

Video resolution : 224 x 288 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz

Palette colors : 2048

Players : 2

Control : 8-way joystick

Buttons : 3 (FIRE, BOMB, POW)


Released in December 1987.

This game is also known as "Typhoon".

Alfa Records released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Konami Game Music Vol.4 - 28XA-201) on 10/03/1988.


The stage order is different between and "Typhoon".


Producer: K. Hiroshita

Director: S. Okamoto

Programmer: S. Fujiwara, Gen. S

2D design: N. Sugita

3D design: N. Ishii

Tittle: Dr. Hide

Character: K. Nakamura

Sound: Y. Uno, Motoaki Furukawa

Hardware: H. Ueno, K. Ban


* Computers:

Sharp X68000 (1989)


Game's rom.


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