노루쿤의 에뮬랜드


■ 서커스 찰리 (레벨 선택가능 셋트 1) - Circus Charlie

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게임 제작사 (Making)


제작 년도 (Since)


카테고리 (Category)

Platform / Run Jump Scrolling

에뮬 구분 (Emulator)

마메 (MAME)

게임용량 (Size)


소스 (Source)


타이틀 (Title)

포스터 (Poster)



캐비넷 (Cabinet)


■ 게임 다운로드 (Game Download)



10MB 보다 큰 파일은 용량 제한으로 인하여 알집으로 분할 압축되어 있습니다.

다운받으신 다음 압축을 한번 해제한 후 zip 형식의 롬파일을 roms 폴더에 넣어주어야 합니다.

원본롬 파일은 게임 실행에 반드시 필요하므로 다운받아야 합니다.



(Clone Roms)

세계판 (World ver.)

유럽판 (Europe ver.)

미국판 (America ver.)

아시아판 (Asia ver.)

일본판 (Japan ver.)

라틴판 (Latin ver.)

브라질판 (Brazil ver.)

해적판 (Crack ver.)

기타 (Etc ver.)

서커스 찰리 (레벨 선택가능 세트 2)Circus Charlie (level select, set 2)


서커스 찰리 (레벨 선택불가)Circus Charlie (no level select)


서커스 찰리 (Centuri)Circus Charlie (Centuri)


서커스 찰리 (Centuri, earlier)Circus Charlie (Centuri, earlier)


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■ 게임 이미지 (Snap Shot)






■ 게임 설명

1984년에 코나미에서 만든 아케이드 게임.

정식 이름은 "서커스 찰리" 인데 대부분 간단히 "서커스"로만 부른다.

서커스를 소재로 만든 게임으로 여러가지 서커스의 묘기들을 주제로 한 총 6개의 스테이지를 진행하는 방식이다.

■ 스테이지

1스테이지 : 사자를 탄 상태로 불 붙은 고리를 뛰어넘어 점프

2스테이지 : 원숭이들을 피하면서 외줄타기

3스테이지 : 점프대에서 점프하면서 사이사이의 장애물 피하기

4스테이지 : 공타기

5스테이지 : 말타면서 점프하기

6스테이지 : 공중그네 (좌우로 흔들리는 공중그네를 트램폴린을 이용해 건너뛰기)

게임 동영상


Circus Charlie (c) 1984 Konami.

A single-player abstract platform game in which the player must guide the eponymous Charlie through six different circus events. Bonus points can be won by finishing a level as quickly as possible, with further points awarded for collecting any of the money bags that occasionally appear.

Finally, additional bonus points are awarded for completing a level without losing a life. The game is over when all Circus Charlies are lost.

The six different events are:

1. Ride a lion and jump through fiery hoops and over blazing pots. 

2. Jump over monkeys while walking a tightrope. 

3. Bounce on trampolines, avoid fire breathers and sword jugglers. 

4. Jump on giant, rolling beach balls. 

5. Ride a horse while avoiding obstacles. 

6. Trapeze.


Game ID : GX380

Main CPU : M6809 (@ 2.048 Mhz)

Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 3.579545 Mhz)

Sound Chips : (2x) SN76496 (@ 1.789772 Mhz), DAC, (3x) RC (@ 1.789772 Mhz)

Screen orientation : Vertical

Video resolution : 224 x 256 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz

Palette colors : 32

Players : 2

Control : 2-way joystick

Buttons : 1


Released in April 1984.

Also licensed to Centuri for US manufacture and distribution (February 1984).

Alessandro Laini, Giuseppe Strangio, Lorenzo Grande, Maurilio Pintus, and Neil Chapman all hold the record for this game with 999,990 points on December 4, 1984; April 12, 1985; March 25, 1985; November 6, 1984; and June 5, 2000, respectively.

Alfa Records released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Konami Game Music Vol.2 - ALC-22904) on 25/09/1986.


* Master the jump : Learning how Charlie can jump is the first step to mastering this game.

* Move forward and backward to adjust your position : If you just keep moving forward, there could be an obstacle at where you land after your jump. In such cases, move back a bit to adjust your position.

* Tons of secrets : There are a bunch of secrets bonuses hidden in this game.

1) Fire rings : Jump through a ring from your back first or jump 3 times at the starting point. Then a Charlie doll will appear from the front hanging. Catch it and get an extra player!

2) Fire rings : Jump over a pot from your back first and a coin may appear from the pot. Catch it to obtain bonus points. However, it happens only once per level. From which pot the coin may appear is determined randomly.

3) Fire rings : If you get to the goal after getting all dollar bags, a hawk brings a dollar bag and you obtain bonus points. This happens only if you have made no misses in that level.

4) Tightrope : If you jump over the brown and purple monkeys at once, you get a 1,000-point bonus.

5) Tightrope : If you perform perpendicular jumps over all monkeys and complete the level, a hawk will bring a Charlie doll and you get an extra player.

6) Tightrope : Jump over the purple monkey from your back first and you get a 5,000-point bonus.

7) Tightrope : Touch the hook beyond the goal and a dollar back appears. Reach the goal and you get a 5,000-points bonus.

8) Trampoline : Get all dollar bags and reach the goal. A hawk will bring a dollar bag and you earn bonus points.

9) Acrobatic jump : Use the spring only once after jumping off the horse and get to the goal. A hawk will bring a Charlie doll and you get an extra player.

10) Trapeze : Grab onto a trapeze by skipping one and get bonus points.

11) Trapeze : Bounce off a trampoline and then grab onto a trapeze to get bonus points.


* Consoles :

Nintendo Famicom (1986)

Sony PlayStation (1999, "Konami Arcade Classics")

Nintendo DS [JP] (Mar.15.2007, "Konami Classics Series - Arcade Hits")

Nintendo DS [NA] (Mar.27.2007, "Konami Classics Series - Arcade Hits")

Nintendo DS [EU] (Oct.26.2007, "Konami Classics Series - Arcade Hits")

Nintendo DS [AU] (Oct.29.2007, "Konami Classics Series - Arcade Hits")

* Computers :

Commodore C64 (1984)

MSX (1984)


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.


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