잘 모르시는 분들은 위 내용들을 확인하시고 진행하시면 수월하게 게임을 하실 수 있습니다.
게임 제작사 (Making) - Namco
제작 년도 (Since) - 1984년
카테고리 (Category) - Maze
에뮬 구분 (Emulator) - 마메 (Mame)
게임용량 (Size) - 32.99 KB
소스 (Source) - mappy.c
10MB 보다 큰 파일은 용량 제한으로 인하여 반디집으로 분할 압축되어 있습니다.
다운받으신 다음 압축을 한번 해제한 후 zip 형식의 롬파일을 roms 폴더에 넣어주셔야 합니다.
원본롬 (Roms)
원본롬 파일은 게임 실행에 반드시 필요하므로 다운 받아야 합니다.
클론롬 (Clone Roms)
드루아가의 탑 (구버전) The Tower of Druaga (Old Ver.)
드루아가의 탑 (Sidam 제조) The Tower of Druaga (Sidam)
ドルアーガの塔 남코에서 1984년 발매한 액션 게임.
주인공 길가메스 (애칭은 길) 가 이시타의 무녀이자 드루아가의 저주를 받아 드루아가의 탑 최상층에 돌이 되어 있는 연인 카이를
구하기 위해 드루아가의 탑을 올라가는 이야기다.
미로로 탑 내부를 탐험하면서 열쇠를 입수해 잠긴 문을 열어서 계단을 타고 한층 한층 올라가 정상인 60층까지 올라가는 간단한
구성이지만 (나중에 특정 방법을 쓰면 모든 아이템을 잃어버린 채로 1층으로 떨어지는 영파가 발각되었기에 이걸 금지한
오락실도 있었다) 특정 조건을 만족하면 나타나는 보물상자에서 아이템을 입수해 능력을 강화하지 않으면 이러지도 저러지도
못하고 절대 깰 수 없는 상황이 생기기 때문에 필요한 아이템이 있는 보물상자를 반드시 먹어야 하는 RPG적 요소도 상당히
강한 게임이다.
문제는 보물상자가 나오는 조건이 참으로 다양하고도 황당하다는 것. '적들을 일정 수 이상 죽인다', '적 몬스터의 공격을 받는다',
'왼쪽 벽에 닿았다가 오른쪽 벽에 닿는다', '시작 지점에서 움직이지 않고 칼을 휘두른다', '스타트 버튼을 누른다', '특정 몬스터를
색깔 순서대로 잡는다.' 같은 조건들이었고, 이것을 찾을 수 있는 힌트따윈 게임 내 어디에도 없었기 때문에 이런 중요한 정보를
찾느라 사람들이 정보를 교환하기 시작해 게임이 매니아들 사이에서 유명해졌고, 이후 패미컴판으로 이식되고 게임의 공략본이
발매되면서 게임의 인지도가 급격히 올라갔다.
분명히 처음 접하는 사람들에겐 절대 쉽지 않은 조건이고, 하이드라이드처럼 AVGN에서 깔만한 요소인데 일본에서만 출시된
게임이라서 다루어지지는 않고 있다. 한국에선 공략법도, 공략 서적도 제대로 들어오지 못해서 쫄딱 망했다.
그 외에도 가정용 이식버전에서는 커맨드 입력으로 나타나는 2회차 모드 (어나더 드루아가) 가 존재한다거나 255층까지 플레이를
할 수 있다던가 하는 야리코미 요소가 만재하여 존재 자체가 야리코미인 게임.
The Tower of Druaga (c) 1984 Namco.
You control the heroic prince Gilgamesh who must attempt to rescue the maiden Ki from the demon Druaga.
ou are armed with a sword and shield to attack and defend. Find hidden chests (and special items) when
special conditions are met, some of which are required to beat the game.
Original story :
Game ID : TD
Main CPU : M6809 (@ 1.536 Mhz)
Sound CPU : M6809 (@ 1.536 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Namco 8-channel WSG
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 224 x 288 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.61 Hz
Palette colors : 32
Players : 2
Control : 4-way joystick
Buttons : 1
Released in June 1984.
The Tower of Druaga (or 'TOD' for short) was originally called 'The Tower of ANU' during the development.
Prince Gilgamesh is the same Gilgamesh of Sumerian legend.
Characters and much of the equipment found in the TOD series have appeared or been referenced to in many
other Namco games.
"Tales of Phantasia" : Much of the equipment used by Gilgamesh could be obtained.
"Tales of Destiny" : Contained an optional dungeon based directly off of the original Tower of Druaga
(but with different treasures).
"Tales of Symphonia" : The equipment used by Gilgamesh could be obtained, and the character Zelos Wilder
could gain a special title by wearing it.
"Tales of the World - Narikiri Dungeon 3" : Also contains a variation of the dungeon. The game also contains
costumes for Gilgamesh, Ki and Druaga which allows the heroes to become them in battle, and wearing the
Gilgamesh costume is necessary to access the dungeon in the first place.
"Tales of Legendia" : One of the 'Rare Monsters' that you can find and battle is the Quox, the dragon enemies
from the Druaga games.
"Mr. Driller - Drill Land" : Contains 5 worlds, one of which is called Hole of Druaga featuring a Mr. Driller
game with RPG elements.
"Mr. Driller Ace" : Featured two levels named after Druaga characters - the 'Druaga Ruins' and the
'Quox Ruins'.
"Namco x Capcom" : Several characters from the series appear in this cross over.
"Baten Kaitos" : Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean: The Tower of Druaga makes an appearance as a puzzle in
Mira, complete with slimes and tools.
Baten Kaitos also contains some of Gilgamesh's equipment as obtainable items.
"Soul Edge" : Gilgamesh's shield (the red-line shield) and the Blue Crystal Rod make appearances as alternate
weapons for Sophitia.
"Soul Calibur II" : One of Sophitia's alternate costumes was based off of Ki's design. In addition, one of her
weapon sets was the Blue Crystal Rod and Blue Line Shield, equipment formerly used by Gilgamesh and Ki.
The Red Crystal Rod and Red Line Shield are also available as bonus weapons for Cassandra.
Namco released a boardgame based on this game (same name) in 1985 (in Japan only) : You move through
each level of the dungeon to get a key. You roll a dice for movement, take the shortest route towards the key,
and after every roll (the game does not even have rooms or such), you have an encounter with a monster that
you must fight. You get a treasure for each victory, and once you have the key, you can open the door that
leads to the next level, and continue doing so on each level until you get to the 6th level where the princess is.
Soundtrack releases :
The Best of Video Game Music [Alfa Records - 32XA-66 - Apr 25, 1986]
* Easter Egg :
1) Enter service mode.
2) Select sound 19
3) Press the service switch to display the grid and enter the following sequence : Up(x4), Down, Right(x2),
Left(x6), Start2.
4) '(c) NAMCO LTD. 1984' will appear on the screen.
* Level Select : Keep Button1 pressed while pressing the Start button to continue the previous game; you can
choose which level to start from.
* When your sword is unsheathed, your shield moves from your front to your left side. You can use this to
block projectiles coming at you while attacking. This takes a lot of practice to master, though! Also, be sure
to get the wing boots on level two by killing all the enemies -- it is impossible to beat the game without them.
1. The Tower of Druaga (1984)
2. The Return of Ishtar (1986)
3. The Quest of Ki (1988, Nintendo Famicom)
4. The Blue CrystalRod (1994, Nintendo Super Famicom)
5. The Nightmare of Druaga - Mysterious Dungeons (2004, Sony PlayStation 2)
Game designer : Masanobu Endoh (E.END)
Programmer : Satoshi Knight (NIGHT)
Sound composer : Junko Odawa (ZUNKO)
Hardware : Single Shigeru (SHIGE)
Graphics designer : You Shino (YOU.S)
* Consoles :
Nintendo Famicom (1985)
Nintendo Game Boy (1990)
NEC PC-Engine (1992)
Nintendo Game Boy (1996, "Namco Gallery Vol.2")
Sony PlayStation (1996, "Namco Museum Vol.3")
Nintendo GameCube (2003) : Released as a bonus disc for a pre-ordered "RPG Baten Kaitos".
Sony PSP (2005, "Namco Museum Battle Collection")
Nintendo DS (2007, "Namco Museum DS")
Microsoft XBOX 360 (2008, "Namco Museum Virtual Arcade")
Nintendo Wii (2009, "Virtual Console Arcade")
* Computers :
MSX (1986)
Fujitsu FM-77AV (1986)
Fujitsu FM-7 (1987)
Sharp X68000 (1989)
PC [MS Windows, CD-Rom] (1997, "Namco History Vol.2")
PC [MS Windows, CD-Rom] (2001)
Sharp MZ2500
Sharp X1
Game's rom.
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