노루쿤의 에뮬랜드


■ 아르고스의 전사 / 라이거 (미국판 세트 1) - Rygar

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게임 제작사 (Making)


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카테고리 (Category)

Platform / Fighter Scrolling

에뮬 구분 (Emulator)

마메 (MAME)

게임용량 (Size)

226.13 KB

소스 (Source)


타이틀 (Title)

포스터 (Poster)



캐비넷 (Cabinet)


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원본롬 파일은 게임 실행에 반드시 필요하므로 다운받아야 합니다.



(Clone Roms)

세계판 (World ver.)

유럽판 (Europe ver.)

미국판 (America ver.)

라이거 (미국판 세트 2)

Rygar (US set 2)


라이거 (미국판 세트 3 구버전)

Rygar (US set 3 Old Version)


아시아판 (Asia ver.)

일본판 (Japan ver.)

아르고스의 전사 (일본판)

Argus no Senshi (Japan)


라틴판 (Latin ver.)

브라질판 (Brazil ver.)

해적판 (Crack ver.)

기타 (Etc ver.)

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■ 게임 설명

45도 각도 슛으로 유명한 테크모 월드컵 98이나 슈팅 게임 실크웜 등으로 유명한 테크모사의 유명 횡스크롤 액션 게임.

수출판의 제목은 'rygar'.

1986년도 작품이니 이미 30년이 되어가는 작품이지만 지금 해봐도 부드러운 조작감과 적절한 난이도로 추천할만한 고전 게임이다.

버튼은 그 시절 게임이 의례 그렇듯 단순히 공격 / 점프로 구성되어 있으며 점프 후에도 좌우로 이동을 마음대로 할 수 있는 그야말로

옛날 게임. 21세기에는 플레이스테이션 2 등에서 리메이크되어 나오기도 했다.

재미있는 것은 게임의 영문 제목은 라스트 보스의 이름이며 일어판의 제목은 이름이 없는 주인공을 지칭하는 이름이라는 것. 그렇다.

주인공이 이름이 없는 게임!

게임은 총 27 스테이지로 구성되어 있고 각 스테이지마다 적 캐릭터와 지형의 다양한 조합으로 인해 매번 다른 공략기법을 요구한다.

매 라운드마다 제한시간이 100초이므로 여유있게 돌아볼 짬이 없다.

제한시간이 전부 소진되면 화면이 컴컴해지며 뒤에서 영파 방지 캐릭터의 역할로 피묻은 큰바위 얼굴이 등장해서 화면 전체를

위협한다. 또한 잔기가 없는 상태에서 죽어서 게임 오버가 될 경우 괴물이 주인공을 납치해간다.

그리고 게임의 백미, 인상적인 연출, 잊기 힘든 매 스테이지 클리어 마다 나오는 장면.

"화로 들어 올리기"

은색의 금속제 용머리가 달린 화로와도 같은 것을 흡! 하고 들어올린 다음 위치를 옯기고 거대한 석상, 신상과 함께 잠시동안 휴식을

취하며 스코어가 집계되는 장면.

이 장면은 이 게임을 플레이한 많은 이들에게 인상을 남겼고 플레이 스테이션 2로 나온 아르고스의 전사에서도 계승이 되어 화로를

붙잡고 들어올리는 씬이 재현되어 있다. 단 이 게임에서처럼 확 들어올리고 순식간에 위치를 바꾸는 것과 달리 허리가 아파지는 것이

느껴질 정도로 아주 힘들게 옯기는 것이 큰 차이점.

게임상에서 나오는 아이템은 대부분이 점수 아이템이지만 몇가지의 아이템은 중요하다.

T 모양의 아이템 : 아이템을 획득할때마다 20초씩 제한시간이 증가

노란 ★ 모양의 아이템 : 7개를 먹을 때마다 10,000점 획득

붉은 두루마리 : 13 스테이지 등 몇몇 지점에 숨겨진 백만점 보너스 아이템

게임화면 하단에 위치한 5칸의 무기 관련 아이템 (좌 -> 우 순서 설명)

붉은 ☆ 모양 : 플레이어의 공격 사거리가 대폭 증가

왕관 모양 : 무기에 관통성을 부여해서 한번의 공격으로 여러명의 적에게 동시 피해를 입힌다.

(없으면 한마리 맞추면 바로 거둬들여진다)

호랑이 모양 : 적을 밟아서 잡을 수 있게 된다. 특정 스테이지에서 편법을 쓸 수 없기 때문에 기피되던 아이템이지만, 최종보스

클리어와 고득점을 노릴 경우 상당히 중요하며 마지막 보스도 일격에 잡을 수 있다.

십자가 모양 : 보호막을 쳐주며 일정 시간동안 완전 무적 상태지만 구덩이에 빠지면 죽는다.

다른 아이템과 달리 시간이 지나면 사라지며, 뒷 스테이지로 갈 수록 무적 시간이 점점 짧아진다.

(스테이지 1 ~ 7:20초, 스테이지8 ~ 14:15초, 스테이지 15 ~ 21:10초, 스테이지 22이후 : 5초)

해 모양 : 상단 공격이 크게 휘두르는 반원 형태의 공격이 아닌 쏴올리는 식의 일직선 형태로 변한다.

무기 아이템 5개를 다 모을 경우 16만점의 보너스 점수를 받는다.

게임 동영상


Rygar (c) 1986 Tecmo.

Armed with a deadly mace-like weapon tipped with a spinning razor disc, the warrior must fight through twenty-seven sideways scrolling levels, killing the vast swathes of enemy monsters that attack him.

Bonus items and weapon power-ups can be found, sometimes dropped by felled monsters but more commonly hidden in the stone carvings that litter the levels. Weapon power-ups include an increased range on the mace and a shield that render temporarily invincible to the enemies.


Game ID : 6002

Main CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)

Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)

Sound Chips : YM3812 (@ 4 Mhz), MSM5205 (@ 384 Khz)

Screen orientation : Horizontal

Video resolution : 256 x 224 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz

Palette colors : 1024

Players : 2 

Control : 8-way joystick 

Buttons : 2

=> [A] Attack, [B] Jump


This game is known in Japan as "Argus no Senshi - Legendary Warrior".


The differences between the US (set 1) and US (set 2) are :

* 'Set 2' has a bug in the code which lets p2 start a game when p1 is already playing. You need to set a dip-switch to enable this behavior (it is usually on by default). If you press '2' while p1 is playing a single player game, 'Set 2' will check that you have 1 or more credit before it registers that you're now in a 2 player game, but it won't deduct the credit. That's a bad bug and probably accounts for why a bug-fix version was released.

* In 'Set 2', if p2 starts while p1 is already playing, it says 'playre2' instead of 'player2' at the top right.

* The first screen of 'Set 2' says 'ALL RIGHT RESERVED' - missing an 'S' - that's fixed in 'Set 1'

The differences between the US and Japanese (Argus no Senshi) are :

* The demo sequences are different.

* The Japanese version seems to have more hidden powers, stars and an extra free life.

* The US version is more biased towards stars and explosions.


* Enemies :

1) Ape : 350 points

2) Blue Monkey : 150 points

3) Cave Bat : 330 points

4) Crab : 200 points

5) Cave Lizard : 100 points

6) Death : Invulnerable.

7) Dragon : 1250 points (with or without rider).

8) Dragon Rider : 0/230 points

9) Drone : 100 points

10) Giant Flying Fish : 150 points

11) Giant Demon : 2000 points (killed normally)

12) Giant Worm : 100 points

13) Griffin : 230 points

14) Mutant Tribesman : 230 points

15) Mutant Frog : 200 points

16) Mutant Villager : 200 points

17) Mutant With Tentacles : 220 points

18) Lava Man : 230 points

19) Rhino (small) : 150 points

20) Rhino (large) : 760 points (1000 points with rider).

21) Snake: 500 points

22) Swooping Bat : 250 points

* Artifacts :

Coin : 200 points bonus. The ones that shoot out of fire pits on some levels can be shot instead of collected but doing this gets you only 100 points.

Blue item : 500 points bonus.

Round blue item : 1000 points bonus.

* Temple bonuses :

1) Repulse Bonus : you get 200 points for each enemy destroyed. Up to a maximum of 12.800 points.

2) Rank Bonus : you get the points for whatever rank you're currently on.

3) Timer Bonus : you get 100 points for each remaining second.

* Rank bonus : it's based purely on the number of kills you've made in total per rank, regardless of dying. After you get promotion count the number of kills from zero again. As you can see the stripes start off pretty inconsistent but end up just being another stripe per 50 kills. If you kill an enemy with the Cross power's force field (i.e. you run into it, not shoot it) you get the points but nothing counts towards your rank. If you die and continue you keep your rank, but not your score. However, I have just found out that if you set the bonus lives to any other values other than the default 50k/200k/500k the amount of baddies you need to kill is effectively doubled.

1) 1st rank :

Score awarded in temple : 0 points, plus 1000 points for each stripe. The minimum score for this rank is 1000 points.

Number of kills for stripe : II = 20 Kills, III = 50 Kills, IIII = 90 Kills (promotion to second rank on 130 kills. Count kills from 0 again)

2) 2nd rank :

Score awarded in temple : 5000 points, plus 1000 points for each stripe.

Number of kills for stripe : I = 40 Kills, II = 90 Kills, III = 140 Kills, IIII = 190 Kills (promotion to third rank on 240 kills)

3) 3rd rank : :

Score awarded in temple : 10.000 points, plus 1000 points for each stripe.

Number of kills for stripe : I = 50 Kills, II = 100 Kills, III = 150 Kills, IIII = 200 Kills (promotion to forth rank on 250 kills)

4) 4th rank :

Score awarded in temple : 15.000 points, plus 1000 points for each stripe.

Number of kills for stripe : I = 50 Kills, II = 100 Kills, III = 150 Kills, IIII= 200 Kills (promotion to fifth rank on 250 kills)

5) 5th rank :

Score awarded in temple : 20.000 points, plus 1000 points for each stripe.

Number of kills for stripe : I = 50 Kills, II = 100 Kills, III = 150 Kills, IIII = 200 Kills (promotion to sixth rank on 250 kills)

6) 6th rank :

Score awarded in temple : 25.000 points, plus 1000 points for each stripe.

Number of kills for stripe : I = 50 Kills, II = 100 Kills, III = 150 Kills, IIII = 200 Kills (promotion to 'BEST' rank on 250 kills)

7) BEST rank :

Score awarded in temple : 30.000 points

Once you get the 'BEST' rank, your rank is actually still increasing by 1 stripe/1000 points for every 50 kills. For some reason the programmers decided to continue the ranking system but not to include any more graphics. But, if you get it to 64,000 the next bonus goes back to 1000 points!!! On the high score table the rank badge loops around and displays the first rank onwards. I would have thought that they'd have changed the colour of the wings or something. It looks very strange to finish the game with 4.000.000 points and have the first rank!


* enemies: most of the mutants can be killed from one blow, but some take several shots. Where a mutant has Stamina below it's name the first number is the hits needed to kill it without the Crown Power (with the second number is with the Crown).

1) Ape: 350 points

Rounds: 6, 10, 12, 15, 16, 25, 26.

Not a particularly dangerous enemy, it just sits up on its tree throwing rocks down at you. If you don't have the Star power it may cause a few problems as you'll have to dodge under the rocks. If you run under it, it jumps down and tries to maul you!

2) Blue Monkey: 150 points

Rounds: 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24.

A very irritating enemy as they can leap over gaps and often kill you mid-jump. They mainly run at you and try to jump on you one at a time. If you try to jump over them they will try to double back and try to kill you.

3) Cave Bat: 330 points

Rounds: 5, 9, 11, 23, 24.

These bats only ever appear on the vertical rounds and try to drop some strange object on you as your climbing the rope. They don't pose any other real threat and are fairly easy to kill or avoid. The object they drop can be shot and I think it's worth about 230 points.

4) Crab: 200 points

Rounds: 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 19, 21, 22, 26.

These strange bugs are embedded in the ground on certain rounds. If you walk over them they will jump high into the air and scuttle about after they land. They can be killed instantly by jumping on them even if you don't have the Tiger power. Game physics doesn't seem to apply to these crabs as they can walk over water and through rocks!

5) Cave Lizard: 100 points

Rounds: 5, 9, 11, 23, 24.

A very passive enemy which only ever appears on the vertical rounds and doesn't really threaten you much. They lash out at you with their long tongues which can block your shots if you don't have the Crown. Just swing out and hit them with an over head shot and you should be okay. Also you can use that shield glitch in your favor too.

6) Death: Invulnerable

Rounds: Any.

Death will appear on any round when you've run out of time. When your time is nearly up the music will change and the sky will darken. Death always appears from the left hand side of the screen and homes in on you. If he misses you he floats off the screen and reappears at the left again only this time he's faster. He keeps on attacking, gaining more and more speed until he is impossible to avoid or you finish the round.

7) Dragon: 1250 points (with or without rider)

Rounds: 1, 5, 10, 13, 14, 22, 26.

The dragons are worth a lot of points and have no chance of really killing you by themselves. Kill as many as possible as they're worth 1250 points each. Note that killing the Dragon while the rider is still on it counts as 1 kill when working out your rank.

8) Dragon Rider: 0/230 points

Rounds: 1, 5, 10, 13, 14, 22, 26.

As the name would imply, they fly in on the dragons and drop down on you. Like a few other enemies they charge at you and can leap over pits and gaps. There's a really annoying bug with the Dragon Riders where sometimes you will jump up a kill one, but the game won't register a kill and the sprite will still be there and it ends up killing you. These guys ride the Rhino's on later rounds, but they never jump off and attack you. Nope, this time they lob axes at you which is just as lethal! You can bounce off the axe or shoot it if you're good enough. If you kill a Dragon Rider while he's still riding on his Dragon he is worth zero points.

9) Drone: 100 points

Rounds: 1, 2, 13.

These headless enemies appear in the first two rounds and then only reappear on round 13. They're no real problem to deal with in the early rounds but on round 13 they are dramatically seeded up! They rush in large groups, usually from both sides of the screen at once and attempt to kill you by sheer force of numbers. The more annoying thing is they make it hard to get the 1.000.000 points parchment and stars which are on the same round.

10) Giant Flying Fish: 150 points

Rounds: 21, 22.

These fish only appear in two rounds and aren't too difficult to deal with. They simply jump over the rafts every two seconds and the ripple in the water tells you when this is going to happen. I think they should have been added on round 3 as well. On round 22 they can pose a few problems with the Dragon Riders dropping down and the Blue Monkeys jumping onto the rafts.

11) Giant Demon: 2000 points (killed normally), Stamina: 8/4

Rounds: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 27.

These giants are waiting for you at the end of every 4th round and there's two guarding the Dominator's chamber on round 27. They attack you by trying to stomp on you and can be deadly if covered by other enemies (like on round 8). You can pick up a special bonus of 50.000 points if you kill them with the Tiger power. This is easy to do with a bit of practice.

12) Giant Worm: 100 points

Rounds: 1, 2, 4, 9, 12, 19, 24, 26.

These creatures wriggle out of the ground, curl up and then bounce across the screen and off the rocks. If left for a bit they tunnel their way back down under the ground and roll off the screen.

13) Griffin: 230 points

Rounds: 2, 3, 5, 7, 16, 20, 21, 23, 27.

Another commonly found enemy. These can be tricky to get rid of, especially on round 20 where they swarm like mad. They swarm all over the skies and some will swoop down at you occasionally. Some of the Griffins will drop rocks down on you which can be even more irritating. If they get on your nerves too much you could always do the Griffin riding trick and skip the round ;)

14) Mutant Tribesman: 230 points

Rounds: 2, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 22, 24, 27.

These mutants often form stacks which can be shot in one go for 10.000 bonus points. On some rounds they pretend to form a stack but then jump at you instead - learn which is which. On later rounds they also attack in groups in a long line formation from both sides of the screen.

15) Mutant Frog: 200 points

Rounds: 6, 10, 15, 25.

On the hardest difficulty settings these creatures are the most deadly foe in the entire game. They lurk on the outskirts of the screen and then they will suddenly leap across at you in the blink of an eye! Sometimes they even jump at you when they're off the screen! Stay on the ground while these are about. If you jump while they are lurking around they will jump across to try and kill you as you land. On default settings they're wasted being too slow and easy to see coming, but on the harder settings watch out!

16) Mutant Villager: 200 points

Rounds: 6, 17, 18.

These mutants live in the caves of the land. They jump out on you and charge in large groups and try to kill you through sheer force of numbers. The thing that makes them dangerous is if you get caught under one of the cave entrances and then they start spilling out they can be difficult to cope with.

17) Mutant With Tentacles: 220 points

Rounds: 11, 16, 18.

These are the least deadly of all the mutants, but they can often catch you out if you're not paying attention. They try to whip you with their long tentacles, but unless you're unlucky there's little chance of you getting hit by them. On the hard difficulty settings their main tactic is to get close and force you to duck by lashing out at you. This prevents you from jumping away while the other mutants charge and try to kill you. These monsters are also harder than the others to kill with the Tiger power.

18) Lava Man: 230 points

Rounds: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 20.

These foes emerge from the ground and shoot fireballs at you. They've only got one round of their own and that's round 8 and then they're restricted to cameo appearances on the rest. Their tactic on round 8 is usually to come up on either side of you and try to shoot you in a crossfire. Trying to shoot it out with them takes time and Death appearing on the scene isn't something you want when this guys are around. You can bounce on the fireballs and also shoot them for 50 points.

19) Rhino (small): 150 points

Rounds: 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27.

The small rhinos appear in nearly all of the levels. They just charge at you in groups and for some reason they can often run through your shots when there's enough of them! They are gradually speedup the further you progress into the game.

20) Rhino (large): 760 points (1000 points with rider), Stamina: 6/2

Rounds: 4, 13, 15, 19, 26, 27.

The rhino's charge at you and will trample you to death if you not careful. On the later rounds they charge like BT! They take several hits to destroy and are very fast on the later rounds making it impractical to kill them without the powers. Some of the Rhinos have riders which will throw an axe at you which can be difficult to avoid.

21) Snake: 500 points

Rounds: 12, 15, 16, 19.

Snakes are very deadly. They dart out of small holes in the rocks and bite you. You can tell when they are about to strike as their red eyes glow in the hole just a split second before they attack. The only thing to look out for is when you kill one snake another will sometimes immediately spring out of the same hole!

22) Swooping Bat: 250 points

Rounds: 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 25, 26.

These bats wait to ambush you, usually close to the end of the round. When you get close to them they swoop down and then fly off the screen. Very rarely, they will wait until you've passed under them and then swoop to the right, but again this is rare. These bats can't be killed with the Tiger power.

* Defeating the Dominator: the Dominator is surprisingly easy to kill. When you enter the final chamber run straight to the right hand side of the room and the Dominator will roar and jump right over you. You can then turn and shoot at him. When he attempts to jump on you, run straight under him and shoot him again. Basically you just repeat this pattern until he dies, which is only after a couple of hits if you have the Crown power. I've finished the game on all of the difficulty settings and this tactic works on every one. The Dominator is worth 22k when killed and he can be killed instantly with the Tiger power but you aren't awarded a 50k bonus.

* 10,000 Points Bonus : At the end of each level, at THE VERY INSTANT the game takes control and guides you into the temple, pull diagonally Left-down on the joystick. Do it right and you'll get 10,000 points.

Note : The hundred number of your points must be the same as the units of your time, for example, 33,330 points and 13.30 seconds, or 100.000 points and 00.00 seconds.

* 2nd 10,000 Bonus : there's a 10k bonus available from the 4 creatures that stand on each others shoulders. You must kill all 4 of them before they touch the ground. There's several ways to do this but the easiest way is with the Crown and Sun powers. Simply stand at the bottom of the stack and shoot straight up! On round 17 these creatures are unlimited and form a new stack every few seconds. Staying back on that round after a time-out might even net you as much as an extra 100k if you can dodge Death for long enough! I have seen players use this trick to get over half a million on that round alone simply by staying back for long periods of time and using up their lives.

* 50,000 Bonus : this one is scored from any of the large blue demons that appear at the end of every 4th round and also there's two on the final round. You need the Tiger power for this, just jump on his head and kill him for an easy 50k! There's eight in the game so that's a luscious 400,000 points for the lot! Mmmmmm!

* 1st 70.000 Bonus : you can get 70.000 points for collecting the stars hidden in the stones. For each 7 you collect, you get 70k regardless of how many times you died.

* 2nd 70.000 Bonus : the Star Tree. In the middle of round 13 there is a tree where if you shoot at it in various places stars will appear. Every star you reveal counts as one collected. So in other words you can reveal all the stars and get 70k and then collect them to get a total of 140,000 points. Some of the stars are in bad positions so you'll have to bounce off a falling warrior to collect them or wait for Death and bounce off him. This part of the round is also where the parchment is (see below).

* 100.000 Bonus : if you finish the game you only receive a 100.000 points bonus. This is strange as it is only the third highest bonus in the game.

* 160.000 Bonus : this is received by collecting all 5 of the special powers. The bad thing is it can only be gained once per life.

* 1.000.000 Bonus : on round 13 there's a hidden parchment which is worth 1.000.000 points! It's located in-between the same area as the famous Star Tree and the next house. The place to shoot at is at the left side of the house just below the title Time. When you shoot nothing will happen except make a sound like you're hitting something. After about 12 hits (about 4 or 5 with the Crown and Sun powers) a red parchment will fall down which is worth 1.000.000 points when collected. Grab it quick because it vanishes after only a few seconds!


1. - Legend Warrior (1986)

2. (1987, Nintendo NES)

3. - The Legendary Adventure (2002, Sony PlayStation 2)

3. - The Battle of Argus (2009, Nintendo Wii)


* Consoles :

Sega Master System (1988)

Atari Lynx (1990)

Microsoft XBOX (2005, "Tecmo Classic Arcade")

* Computers :

Commodore C64 (1987)

Amstrad CPC (1987, " let's fight!!!")

Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1988)

Sharp X68000 (1994, "Video Game Anthology Vol.9")


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.


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