마메(Mame)란 무엇인가??
■ 마메 (Mame)란 무엇인가?? Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator의 약자. 말그대로 오락실 게임 기계의 CPU, 비디오, 사운드등을 가상으로 구현해서 기판에서 PC로 덤프된 롬파일을 실행시키는 에뮬레이터.
[초보자 필독!] MAME 초보자를 위한 게임실행 방법
■ [초보자 필독!] MAME 초보자를 위한 게임실행 방법 ● 본 설명은 초보자를 위해 작성된 설명입니다. 천천히 읽고 따라 해보시면 충분히 게임을 실행하실 수 있습니다. ● 현재 제가 사용하고
마메 바이오스 v0.210 ( mame biso pack v0.210 )
마메 바이오스가 필요로 하는 롬파일을 위해 "roms" 폴더에 넣어주세요. 다운로드 후 압축을 풀고 생성된 zip 파일 형식의 바이오스를 "roms" 폴더에 그대로 넣어주시면 됩니다. 파일 다운로드
'Q & A' 카테고리의 글 목록
고전게임 블로그
마메 부모롬과 클론롬의 차이
■ 마메 부모롬과 클론롬의 차이 - 게임이 처음 발매될 때, 각 나라별로 언어가 다르거나 그 나라 사정에 맞춰서 내부코드가 약간씩 수정되어 나옵니다. 그래서 같은 게임이라도 미국버전, 유럽
잘 모르시는 분들은 위 내용들을 확인하시고 진행하시면 수월하게 게임을 하실 수 있습니다.
게임 제작사 (Making) - Atari
제작 년도 (Since) - 1982년
카테고리 (Category) - Shooter / Gallery
에뮬 구분 (Emulator) - 마메 (Mame)
게임용량 (Size) - 15.24 KB
소스 (Source) - centiped.c
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10MB 보다 큰 파일은 용량 제한으로 인하여 반디집으로 분할 압축되어 있습니다.
다운받으신 다음 압축을 한번 해제한 후 zip 형식의 롬파일을 roms 폴더에 넣어주셔야 합니다.
원본롬 (Roms)
원본롬 파일은 게임 실행에 반드시 필요하므로 다운 받아야 합니다.
클론롬 (Clone Roms)
밀리피드 덕스 (해킹판) Millipede Dux (hack)
마메 플러스 v0.145
■ MAME Plus! v0.145u5 r5002 x64 x86 마메 롬파일들을 구동시켜주는 에뮬레이터 다운로드 후 압축해제하고 생성된 "mamepgui.exe" 를 실행하세요. ■ 다운로드 64비트 32비트
Mame 에서 아트웍(Artwork) 적용법 및 예제
■ Mame 에서 아트웍(Artwork) 적용법 및 예제 ■ 오락실 실제기기 모습을 구현해 주는 Mame 의 Artwork ● 아래는 1943 (Capcom - 1987년작)의 업소에서 구동되던 실제기기의 모습입니다. 비교적 90년대 이전
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전용뷰어 다운로드 페이지 → 바로가기
Milipede (c) 1982 Atari.
Milipede is a 1- or 2-player game with a color raster-scan video display.
The game action takes place on a playfield filled with mushrooms, flowers, and deadly DDT bombs.
The player tries to destroy a variety of insects that drop from the top of the screen or enter from the sides
of the screen, most of them to attack the player.
The player controls a bow-shaped vehicle called the Archer.
The object of the game is to shoot and destroy as many objects as possible for a high point score, before
the player's lives are all used up.
Player control consists of a Midi Trak-Ball control and a FIRE button.
The Archer is moved by rotating the Midi Trak-Ball control. The Archer can be moved in all directions,
but only within the bottom fifth of the screen.
However, the Archer must move around mushrooms, flowers, and DDT bombs, since these are fixed and
not 'transparent' objects. Pressing the FIRE button causes the Archer to emit an arrow that travels upward.
The Archer may fire one or many arrows (by holding down the FIRE button constantly).
But only one arrow will appear on the screen at a time.
A player may start a game at an advanced level of play and receive bonus points for starting play at that
Game play begins with a playfield of randomly placed mushrooms and DDT bombs.
A e enters at the top center of the screen and starts snaking its way across the screen. The e changes
direction when it runs into a fixed object in the playfield (mushroom, DDT bomb, or flower), or when it
reaches the side boundaries of the playfield.
When a segment of the e is shot, it is destroyed and a mushroom appears where that segment was shot.
When shot, the e breaks into two smaller es, each with its own head. When a e reaches the bottom of the
screen, it starts back up, but remains within the area of the Archer (the bottom 5th of the screen).
If a e reaches the bottom of the screen without being shot, it releases its tail. This tail changes into a new
head. Also to provide the player a challenge, if a e is still alive when it reaches the bottom, new heads
will enter the screen almost at the bottom of the sides. More of these heads will appear as time progresses.
An attack wave is complete when all e segments are destroyed. The screen then scrolls down one line.
At the 9th attack wave, when the e with only four segments enters from the top of the screen, the screen
will scroll down every two seconds. The only way a player can stop the scrolling screen is to shoot a DDT
bomb or destroy the entire e.
It takes four shots to destroy a mushroom. After the fourth attack wave of each wave cycle, the entire
playfield of mushrooms changes. Some mushrooms die and new mushrooms grow where there were none
before. A mushroom next to a DDT bomb becomes poisoned
(See Tips and Tricks below for complete details).
When a e runs into a poisoned mushroom, two things happen: its head changes color, and it changes
direction and falls vertically to the bottom of the screen.
DDT bombs explode when hit by an arrow. Any object near the bomb is engulfed by the explosion.
Insects are worth three times their normal point value if they are destroyed by the explosion.
Spiders appear in any round. They move in a random pattern on the bottom third of the screen.
As the player's score increases, the range of the Spider decreases, until it is confined to the bottom fifth of
the screen. Also, more Spiders enter as the game progresses. A Spider destroys any mushroom or flower it
moves over. Depending on a special option switch setting, the Spider moves slowly until a player reaches a
specific score, and then it speeds up. If the Archer and a Spider collide, both are destroyed.
When a e with fewer than 11 segments appears, an Earwig enters the screen from either side, moving at a
relatively slow speed. As the player earns more points, the Earwig's speed increases.
If an Earwig passes over a mushroom, it poisons the mushroom.
When a e with fewer than ten segments appears, a Dragonfly enters at the top of the screen.
The Dragonfly moves in a zig-zag pattern and its speed increases as the player's score increases.
As the Dragonfly moves, it leaves a trail of mushrooms behind.
When a e with fewer than nine segments appears, a Mosquito enters at the top of the screen and flies in a
diagonal pattern. The Mosquito's speed increases as the player's score increases. When a Mosquito is
destroyed, the screen scrolls up one row. Mosquitoes are worth 400 points when destroyed.
Beetles appear randomly after the first wave. They enter from the sides of the screen near the bottom,
travel down to the bottom of the screen, and walk at least half way across the bottom.
Then the Beetle travels up and exits at the side of the screen. If a Beetle passes over a mushroom, the
mushroom changes into a flower. Flowers cannot be destroyed by the Archer. Depending on an option
switch setting, the number of Beetles appearing on the screen and the speed of the beetles increase as the
player's score increases. When a Beetle is destroyed, the screen scrolls down one row.
Bees may fall from the top of the screen during any round. As the Bee falls, it leaves a trail of mushrooms
behind. The Archer must hit a Bee twice to destroy it; the first shot just speeds it up.
An Inchworm may appear when a e with fewer that eleven segments appears.
The Inchworm travels from one side of the screen to the other side. It moves slowly until the player's score
reaches 80000 points. Then it speeds up.
If the Archer destroys the Inchworm, all insects will slow down for about three and one-half seconds.
After a e of one, three, five, seven, or eleven segments has been destroyed, an insect bombing raid occurs.
A raid may have only Bees, Dragonflies, Mosquitoes, or a mixture of all three.
Approximately 10,000 units were produced. e came in two different form factors, an upright and a cocktail
table, and it was also available as a conversion kit for "Kangaroo", "Dig Dug", and "Arabian".
The uprights were by far the most common. They all have control panels with a trackball, although the
upright version uses a larger ball than the other ones do. All of the trackballs are prone to wear and tear,
but replacement parts are readily available.
The upright was in a white cabinet that was rather strangely shaped.
It really accented the speaker area in a way that no other games did. The game featured ornate painted
sideart of a huge orange bug along with a hunter inside a forest scene.
That graphic wasn't just on the sides either, it continued all the way around the front of the machine as
The control panel was dark and rather plain, it had the trackball, some game instructions, and a few
graphics of leaves. The marquee for this title shows a hunter clad in red, firing a longbow at an orange e.
The cocktail version is black and woodgrained, and has two control panels.
It is mildly decorated with light blue graphics under the glass and on the control panels.
This was the style of cocktails where both players sat across from each other, and not the side by side style
that some other titles used.
Game ID : 136013
Main CPU : M6502 (@ 1.512 Mhz)
Sound Chips : (2x) POKEY (@ 1.512 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 240 x 256 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 32
Players : 2
Control : Optical trackball
Buttons : 1 (FIRE)
Released in November 1982.
Sequels to arcade games can be a 'hit and miss' thing. Taito was able to make a successful sequel to its
"Space Invaders" game by releasing "Space Invaders II".
Atari also attempted to make a sequel to its hit "Asteroids" called "Asteroids Deluxe". Unfortunately, the
sequel was not received well and Atari took a loss with it.
Atari had another runaway hit in 1980 called "Centipede".
The game basically involved having the player take out insects and mushrooms that dotted the playing
screen. Taking another chance, Atari released a sequel in 1982 called e. Fortunately, e received a better
reception then "Asteroids Deluxe" did as a sequel and it did fairly well at the arcades.
Other games that Atari released such as "Dig Dug", "Gravitar", and "Pole Position" may have also helped the
sequel along. The game play was essentially the same as the original.
If you go into test mode, you will see a hidden 'Logg' sprite which refers to the game programmer Ed Logg.
Originally called 'Centipede Deluxe'. Here are the main differences between e and "Centipede" :
* Instead of the Centipede and three enemies, you now have to deal with the e and seven enemies.
* In addition to the Bee dropping mushrooms, the Dragonfly also drops them.
The difference between the two enemies is that the Bee goes in a straight line from top to bottom while the
Dragonfly zig-zags across the screen from top to bottom.
* Beetles turn mushrooms into flowers which can only be destroyed with DDT bombs or by Spiders.
* On some screens, some of the mushrooms will disappear while others grow in other random places.
* The player character is now an Archer, as it now shoots arrows instead of laser-type shots.
* The screen advances down one level after each round is completed or for each Beetle that is hit.
This will reveal other things when a new top level is revealed. Mosquitos cause the screen to advance up by
one level.
* Different events are based on how many segments the e starts with
(a segment is defined as not being a separate head).
* DDT (a chemical that was banned in the 60's for pest control) bombs have been added to help you take out
areas of bugs, flowers, and mushrooms.
* A new bonus setting has been implemented.
It works depending on what the machine is set at for gaining bonus Archers.
Once you cross that threshold multiple, you can start a new game from that score minus the original bonus
score. The score tops out at 300,000 points. You have 30 seconds after your game ends to choose to do this.
It works like this :
1) The maximum level a player can start at is one level lower then the last free Archer they received.
For example, you receive a free Archer every 20,000 points. If you achieved a score of 50,000 points, then
the last free Archer you received was at 40,000 points. Going one level lower, you can either start with a
bonus of 0 or 20,000 points. It works the same for free Archers awarded at 12,000 or 15,000 points.
2) The player will also be allowed to start a new game at a bonus level. Again, depending on what the
machin settings are for free Archers will determine this bonus. The bonus will be 0, 1, 2, or 3 times
whatever the score required is for a free Archer (i.e. 0, 12,000, 24,000, or 36,000 points to name one).
You will have 10 seconds to make a decision.
* There are more score dependent settings for the game. This means more enemies will do different things
depending on the player's score.
* e cycles back and forth with head to body ratio instead of just having heads like Centipede does.
James Schneider holds the official record for this game with 6,995,962 points.
A e unit appears in the 1983 movie 'Joysticks' and in the 1988 movie 'Arthur 2 - On the Rocks'.
In 1982, Atari released a set of 12 collector pins including : "Missile Command", "Battle Zone", "Tempest",
"Asteroids Deluxe", "Space Duel", "Centipede", "Gravitar", "Dig Dug", "Kangaroo", "Xevious", "e" and "Food
e (Body) : 10 points
e (Head) : 100 points
Spider : 300, 600, 900, 1200 points
(Points increase the closer the Spider is to the player's Shooter when shot)
Earwig : 1000 points
DDT Bomb : 800 points
Dragonfly : 500 points
Mosquito : 400 points
Beetle : 300 points
Bee : 200 points (Takes 2 hits. First hit speeds it up, second hit destroys it)
Inchworm : 100 points
Mushrooms & Poisoned Mushrooms : 1 point (Takes 4 hits to destroy). When the mushroom patch is reset
after a player loses a life, each partially destroyed mushroom, poisoned mushroom or flower that is
restored awards the player 5 bonus points.
Enemies killed inside DDT blasts are worth 3 times their normal score.
The exception to this are Spiders which are worth 1,800 points when killed by DDT and enemies on the
raids which are worth their normal (progressive) point values.
Raids : Normal points for the first raiding insect killed.
Additional kills on raiding insects are worth 100 points more than the previous one, up to a maximum of
1,000 points each.
* Hints :
1) Destroy mushrooms near the bottom of the screen.
2) Destroy the DDT bomb when the e is beside it.
3) When a e hits a poisoned mushroom, it changes direction and falls vertically.
Anticipate the place the e will fall, because shooting it as it falls destroys all its segments.
* Know Your Enemies : This is the single most important aspect of this game.
If you don't know how each of the enemies behave, you won't last long. The enemies are :
1) e (Body and Head) : Goes back and forth across the screen.
Will drop to the next level when it encounters a mushroom, flower, DDT bomb, or the side of the game
field. It will go all the way to the bottom when it hits a poisoned mushroom.
2) Spider : These appear from the top left or right of the player area. They will either bounce across the
player's area at 45 degree angles or bounce in at a 45 degree angle, bounce up and down a couple of times,
go to the middle at a 45 degree angle, bounce up and down a couple of times, then finally go to the right
side (at a 45 degree angle), bounce up and down, then exit the area. They destroy flowers and mushrooms
they pass over. In later stages, multiple Spiders will appear.
3) Dragonfly : These appear when the e begins with less then ten body segments.
It goes in a zig-zag pattern from top to bottom leaving a trail of mushrooms in its wake.
4) Bee : These can appear in any attack wave. Their role is identical to that of the Flea in "Centipede" in
that they fall from the top of the screen to the bottom, randomly depositing mushrooms along the way.
Bees take two shots to kill. The first shot makes the angry and causes them to speed their descent.
They will usually appear when you have cleared out most of the mushrooms in the player area.
5) Earwig : These appear when the e begins with less then eleven body segments.
Their role is identical to that of the Scorpion in "Centipede" in that they go across the screen and poison all
the mushrooms in their path.
6) Beetles : These appear randomly after wave one. They enter from the side of the screen, then go to the
bottom. They travel at least halfway along the bottom before going up to their original entry level.
They then exit from the side. All mushrooms in their path are converted to flowers.
7) Mosquitoes : These appear when the e begins with less then nine body segments.
They fly in a diagonal pattern from the upper left or upper right corners. Hitting them causes the screen to
go up one level.
8) Inchworm : These first appear when the e has less then eleven body segments.
Hitting them causes all enemies on the screen to slow down for about three seconds.
* The e will start out as a head with eleven body segments in the first wave.
Wave two will be a head with ten body segments and a head that enters from the opposite side.
Wave three will be a head with nine body segments and two heads that enter from opposite sides.
This progression keeps going until wave twelve where you have twelve heads. The cycle will then start over
in wave thirteen. This cycle occurs every twelve distinct waves.
* You must clear the first e wave only once.
Then, until your score reaches 20,000 points, you must complete each subsequent e wave twice--first as the
e moves slowly towards you, then as it moves fast. After your score reaches 20,000 points, each e wave will
only need to be completed once.
* Shooting the e can have 2 effects :
1) If you shoot the head, then that part turns into a mushroom and the next segment becomes the new head
and the e will travel in the opposite direction (since it hit the new mushroom created).
2) If you shoot the middle of the body, then the segment hit will become a mushroom.
The old e will continue in the same direction. The new e will develop a head at the next segment after the
break and head off in the opposite direction.
* A good strategy to ensure you destroy the e's in one stroke and to keep the Bees at bay is to create
'mushroom corridors'. Mushroom corridors are basically corridors between two rows of mushrooms where
you can funnel the e down and destroy it when it is moving head-first at your shooter.
* In reference to the above 'mushroom corridors', keep in mind that after the fourth wave of each cycle, the
mushrooms will undergo a period of growth that determines whether they stay alive or die in accordance
with a modified version of the 'life' algorithm. The rules are as follows:
1) Any mushroom with fewer than two neighbours dies, as if by loneliness.
2) Any mushroom with more than three neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
3) Any mushroom with two or three neighbours lives, unchanged, to the next generation.
4) Any empty space with exactly three mushroom neighbours comes to life.
5) Any mushroom adjacent to a DDT bomb becomes poisoned
6) Any non-poisoned mushroom adjacent to a poisoned mushroom dies
7) Flowers cannot die, but do count as neighbours towards the growth of mushrooms.
After this period of growth, you may have to clean up the area since some of your corridors may have been
affected by this change.
* Watch out for the Spiders. They enter at either the top or bottom corners.
Your Archer may be in the way if this happens. In addition to collisions, the Spiders wipe out all
mushrooms that are in its path. This can create problems when you are creating mushroom corridors.
It can also cause the Bees to appear since you won't have many mushrooms in the player area.
In later rounds, multiple Spiders may appear in the player area.
* At the beginning of a round, take a quick look to see how many segments the e has.
This will determine the behavior of enemies on that or subsequent rounds.
* Five different times during the cycle of 12 e attack waves, you will be bombarded by a swarm of insects.
These waves are a major source of points.
After the 2nd wave : Bee raid
After the 6th wave : Dragonfly raid
After the 8th wave : Mosquito raid
After the 10th wave : Bees and Dragonflies raid together
After the 12th wave : Bees, dragonflies, and mosquitoes raid together
During these raids, special scoring applies for shooting Bees, Dragonflies, and Mosquitoes.
Each insect kill of those types (even types not actually swarming, for example a single Bee randomly
dropping during the Mosquito swarm) is worth a minimum of 100 points more than the previous kill, to
a maximum of 1000 points. Triple scoring from DDT applies as well, so DDTing a Mosquito or Dragonfly
will immediately max the raid value at 1000, and DDTing a Bee will register at least 600.
It's very important not to die during one of the raids. If you stay alive, a raid can be worth up to 30,000
points later in the game.
To prepare for a raid, don't shoot the last head until any Spiders and Beetles are near the side and
leaving the screen. Clear a path to a DDT bomb if possible, so you can use it to kill several insects
at once. It will quickly build their value to the maximum of 1000 points each.
Concentrate on one thing-shooting as many bugs as you can.
Don't waste time clearing mushrooms until after the raid is over. As your score increases, the length of the
raids also increases, making them worth lots of points.
* On the 9th wave, immediately after the mosquito raid, the mushrooms begin scrolling down very quickly,
roughly one row every two seconds. They don't stop unless you kill the e, shoot a DDT bomb, or lose a life.
You have to do one of these three things quickly, or you'll be overwhelmed by mushrooms on the bottom.
First try to hit a DDT bomb. It's a good idea to clear a path to one before the wave starts. If you can't use a
DDT, try to kill the e before the mushrooms get too low. As a last resort, die on purpose.
The scrolling wave follows the raid of Mosquitoes. If you can shoot a lot of Mosquitoes in the raid, the
mushrooms scroll way up the screen, and you'll have plenty of time to kill the e while the mushrooms
come back down. Remember, if you scroll the mushrooms way up the screen, you won't be able to fire
very fast. You'll have to take single shots, making sure you hit the e each time.
* You can have a maximum of 4 DDT bombs on the screen at any given time. Wait until either the e is right
next to one or there is a heavy concentration of enemies before setting it off.
* Beetles can cause a lot of problems if they aren't dealt with quickly. Of course, if you have your mushroom
corridor set up, they may be a blessing. Since they create relatively indestructible flowers in their path, this
would help prevent you from shooting them accidentally. Of course, you still have to worry about the
Spiders and DDT bombs.
* Keep track of where the Earwigs move across the screen. As soon as the e hits a poisoned mushroom,
it will immediately head for the bottom of the screen. The only way to stop this headlong plunge is to shoot
it in the head. In the later rounds, it is not uncommon to have multiple Earwigs going across the screen.
They also provide the most points in the game.
* If you get unlucky and let the e into your area, you need to destroy it before it gets to the bottom of the
player area. Once it reaches the bottom, it will ascend again and remain in the player area.
If it does reach the bottom of the player area, another head will come out from the opposite side to start its
back and forth march across the screen. This will continue until you destroy all the e parts in the player
area or until your Archer is destroyed.
* If your Archer gets destroyed, all partially-destroyed mushrooms and all poisoned mushrooms are reset.
Flowers created by beetles are also changed back into mushrooms. You then start at the beginning of the
wave you got killed on.
* Depending on the difficulty the machine is set up at, the following events occur :
1) At easy, the Spider moves slowly up to 10,000 points. At hard, the Spider moves slowly up to 5,000 points.
2) At easy, the Beetle moves slowly up to 400,000 points and four Beetles appear in each round after 500,000
points. At hard, the Beetle moves slowly up to 300,000 points and four Beetles appear in each round after
350,000 points.
3) Regardless of setting, the Inchworm will move faster after the player reaches 80,000 points.
4) All other enemies move at their same speeds.
1. Centipede (1981)
2. e (1982)
Designed & programmed by : Ed Logg (ED )
Also worked on e : Dave Snyder
From High Score table: (BBM), Franz Lanzinger (FXL), Mark Cerny (MEC), Doug Snyder (DUG), Dona Bailey
(DCB), (DEW), (DFW)
* Consoles :
Atari 2600 (1983)
Atari 5200 (1984)
Atari XEGS
Nintendo Famicom (1988)
Nintendo Game Boy (1995, "Centipede / e")
Sony PlayStation (1998, "Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 2")
Sony PlayStation (2001, "Atari Anniversary Edition")
Sega Dreamcast (2001, "Atari Anniversary Edition")
Sony PlayStation 2 (2004, "Atari Anthology") : appears in both arcade and Atari 2600 forms.
Microsoft XBOX (2004, "Atari Anthology") : appears in both arcade and Atari 2600 forms.
Nintendo Game Boy Advance (2005, "e / Super Breakout / Lunar Lander")
Microsoft XBOX 360 (2007, "Centipede / e" - Xbox Live Arcade)
* Computers :
Atari 800 (1983)
Atari ST (1986)
Tandy Color Computer (1987, "Kingpede")
PC [CD-Rom] (2000, "Atari Arcade hits 2")
PC [CD-Rom] (2001, "Atari Anniversary Edition")
PC [CD-Rom] (2003, "Atari - 80 Classic Games in One!") : appears in both arcade and Atari 2600 forms.
* Others :
Nokia N-Gage (2005, "Atari Masterpieces Volume 1")
Atari Flashback 2 (2005)
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.
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폭돌기총정 바라듀크 / 에일리언 섹터 - Alien Sector (0) | 2015.06.17 |
게릴라 워 (미국판) - Guerrilla War (US) (0) | 2015.06.16 |
이카리 워리어즈 (미국판) - Ikari Warriors (US) (0) | 2015.06.15 |