노루쿤의 에뮬랜드


■ 아치 라이벌스 (개정판 4.0) - Arch Rivals (rev 4.0)

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게임 제작사 (Making)

Bally Midway

제작 년도 (Since)


카테고리 (Category)

Sports / Basketball

에뮬 구분 (Emulator)

마메 (MAME)

게임용량 (Size)

351.74 KB

소스 (Source)


타이틀 (Title)

포스터 (Poster)



캐비넷 (Cabinet)


■ 게임 다운로드 (Game Download)



10MB 보다 큰 파일은 용량 제한으로 인하여 알집으로 분할 압축되어 있습니다.

다운받으신 다음 압축을 한번 해제한 후 zip 형식의 롬파일을 roms 폴더에 넣어주어야 합니다.

원본롬 파일은 게임 실행에 반드시 필요하므로 다운받아야 합니다.



(Clone Roms)

세계판 (World ver.)

유럽판 (Europe ver.)

미국판 (America ver.)

아시아판 (Asia ver.)

일본판 (Japan ver.)

라틴판 (Latin ver.)

브라질판 (Brazil ver.)

해적판 (Crack ver.)

기타 (Etc ver.)

아치 라이벌 (개정판 2.0) Arch Rivals (rev 2.0 5/03/89)


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아트웍 (Artwork) 설정방법 → 바로가기




pdf 파일로 된 매뉴얼입니다.

전용뷰어 다운로드 페이지 → 바로가기

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게임 이미지 (Snap Shot)








Arch Rivals (c) 1989 Bally Midway.

A hilarious basketball game featuring customizing team names and colours. A full game consists of 4 quarters, with 4 minutes each. Each team has 2 players, and the objective of the game is to outscore the opponent until the final buzzer sounds.

If the game results in a tie after 4 quarters, a sudden death overtime period is added, in which case the next basket to go in will win the game for the team who scored it. The overtime period is 1 minute long. A player can call for his teammate to pass him the ball or to shoot it.

There are 8 characters that the player can play as, each with a unique characteristic. They are :

* Blade : A crowd pleaser.

* Hammer : Rebound king.

* Lewis : Top shooter.

* Mohawk : Tough & mean.

* Moose : A real champ.

* Reggie : All-American.

* Tyrone : Defensive giant.

* Vinnie : A great player.


Bally Midway MCR 68k hardware

Main CPU : 68000 (@ 7.7238 Mhz)

Sound CPU : M6809 (@ 2 Mhz)

Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.57958 Mhz), DAC, HC55516 (@ 3.57958 Mhz)

Screen orientation : Horizontal

Video resolution : 512 x 480 pixels

Screen refresh : 30.00 Hz

Palette colors : 64

Players : 2

Control : stick

Buttons : 2


Released in May 1989.

It was one of the first sports games to gain popularity among its players. The game billed itself as a 'Basket Brawl'.

Tyrone was one of the heroes of the cartoon titled the 'Power Team'.

An Arch Rivals unit appears in the 1991 movie 'Terminator 2 - Judgment Day'.


Concept and design : Jeff Nauman, Brian Colin

Sounds : Dan Forden

Graphics : Brian Colin

Software : Jeff Nauman

Hardware and support : Glen Ship, Mark Loffredo, Al Lasko, Greg Tastad, Greg Freres, John, Brian, Elaine Ditton, Ben, Jim, Soumya, Laura, The Doctor!

The joystick was designed by : Ken Lantz


* Consoles :

Nintendo Famicom (1989)

Sega Game Gear (1992)

Sega Mega Drive (1992)

Microsoft XBOX (2004, "Midway Arcade Treasures 2")

Nintendo GameCube (2004, "Midway Arcade Treasures 2")

Sony PlayStation 2 (2004, "Midway Arcade Treasures 2")

Sony PSP (2005, "Midway Arcade Treasures - Extended Play")

* Computers :

PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2006, "Midway Arcade Treasures Deluxe Edition")

* Others :

LCD handheld game (1989) : released by Acclaim.


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.


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