마메(Mame)란 무엇인가??
■ 마메 (Mame)란 무엇인가?? Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator의 약자. 말그대로 오락실 게임 기계의 CPU, 비디오, 사운드등을 가상으로 구현해서 기판에서 PC로 덤프된 롬파일을 실행시키는 에뮬레이터.
[초보자 필독!] MAME 초보자를 위한 게임실행 방법
■ [초보자 필독!] MAME 초보자를 위한 게임실행 방법 ● 본 설명은 초보자를 위해 작성된 설명입니다. 천천히 읽고 따라 해보시면 충분히 게임을 실행하실 수 있습니다. ● 현재 제가 사용하고
마메 바이오스 v0.210 ( mame biso pack v0.210 )
마메 바이오스가 필요로 하는 롬파일을 위해 "roms" 폴더에 넣어주세요. 다운로드 후 압축을 풀고 생성된 zip 파일 형식의 바이오스를 "roms" 폴더에 그대로 넣어주시면 됩니다. 파일 다운로드
'Q & A' 카테고리의 글 목록
고전게임 블로그
마메 부모롬과 클론롬의 차이
■ 마메 부모롬과 클론롬의 차이 - 게임이 처음 발매될 때, 각 나라별로 언어가 다르거나 그 나라 사정에 맞춰서 내부코드가 약간씩 수정되어 나옵니다. 그래서 같은 게임이라도 미국버전, 유럽
잘 모르시는 분들은 위 내용들을 확인하시고 진행하시면 수월하게 게임을 하실 수 있습니다.
게임 제작사 (Making) - Midway
제작 년도 (Since) - 1994년
카테고리 (Category) - Fighter / Versus
에뮬 구분 (Emulator) - 마메 (Mame)
게임용량 (Size) - 19.69 MB
소스 (Source) - midwunit.c
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10MB 보다 큰 파일은 용량 제한으로 인하여 반디집으로 분할 압축되어 있습니다.
다운받으신 다음 압축을 한번 해제한 후 zip 형식의 롬파일을 roms 폴더에 넣어주셔야 합니다.
원본롬 (Roms)
원본롬 파일은 게임 실행에 반드시 필요하므로 다운 받아야 합니다.
클론롬 (Clone Roms)
모탈 컴뱃 3 (개정판 1 칩 라벨 p4.0) Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1 chip label p4.0)
모탈 컴뱃 3 (개정판 1.0) Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.0)
모탈 컴뱃 3 (개정판 2.0) Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.0)
마메 플러스 v0.145
■ MAME Plus! v0.145u5 r5002 x64 x86 마메 롬파일들을 구동시켜주는 에뮬레이터 다운로드 후 압축해제하고 생성된 "mamepgui.exe" 를 실행하세요. ■ 다운로드 64비트 32비트
Mame 에서 아트웍(Artwork) 적용법 및 예제
■ Mame 에서 아트웍(Artwork) 적용법 및 예제 ■ 오락실 실제기기 모습을 구현해 주는 Mame 의 Artwork ● 아래는 1943 (Capcom - 1987년작)의 업소에서 구동되던 실제기기의 모습입니다. 비교적 90년대 이전
다운 받으신 후 압축 해제하지 말고 artwork 폴더에 넣어주세요.
pdf 파일로 된 매뉴얼입니다.
전용뷰어 다운로드 페이지 → 바로가기
미드웨이에서 제작한 모탈 컴뱃 시리즈 세번째 작품이며 2d 모탈 컴뱃의 마지막 작품.
지구의 마지막 보루 8인 전사들 VS. 전(全) 외세계 제국.
캐릭터는 총 18명으로 이 중 선택 가능 캐릭터는 14명으로 보스인 모타로와 샤오칸, 전작들과 마찬가지로 일정 조건을 만족
하면 싸울 수 있는 스모크와 눕 사이보트가 있다.
2편에서 보여준 멋진 그래픽이 더욱 진일보했으며 파고들 부분도 더욱 많아졌다.
시리즈를 대표하는 인기 캐릭터인 스콜피온은 미드웨이의 닌자 조절 정책으로 인해 등장하지 못했으며, 서브제로는 복면을
벗고 등장했다. (그래서 눕 사이보트도 더이상 검은색 닌자가 아닌 검은색 케이노가 되었다)
전작들과 대조적으로 황폐한 세기말적 분위기를 풍기는데, 이는 제작자인 Ed Boon이 가장 마음에 들어하는 분위기였다고.
설정상으론 아웃월드와 어스렐름의 합병을 통해 대부분의 지구인의 혼을 샤오칸이 흡수해 버렸다고 되어 있으며, 그 때문인지
1, 2편에 비해 배경에 사람이 단 한명도 없고 쓰레기만 날아다니거나 인간이 쓰던 각종 기계장치만 작동되는 모습을 볼 수 있다.
그리고 대부분의 팬들도 이런 분위기를 좋아하지만 1, 2때 처럼 중국풍이 좋았다고 하는 팬들도 적진 않다.
전작인 2편에서 퐁을 보너스 게임으로 수록했는데, 이번엔 갤러그를 수록했다. VS모드에서 100연승하면 플레이 할 수 있다.
(일부 버전에서는 대전 전 화면에서 그림 맞추는 부분이 있는데 그림을 일정 패턴으로 맞춰도 된다)
역시나 플레이 전 메시지의 센스가 놀랍다. 버튼가드에 이어 버튼대쉬 시스템이 추가됨으로 버튼 6개를 사용하는 게임이 되었다.
버튼을 순서대로 입력하는 방식의 콤보도 추가되어 더욱 화끈한 연속기를 볼 수 있게 되었다.
유튜브 등지에서 볼 수 있는 영상은 실로 장관.
피니쉬도 전작에 존재했던 페이탈리티, 프렌드쉽, 베발리티는 여전히 존재하며, 동물로 변신하여 적을 공격하는 애니멀리티와
무자비한 콤보로 적을 박살내는 브루탈리티가 추가되었다.
시스템적인 면에서 가장 많은 변화를 보인 작품이지만, 전작의 인기 캐릭터들인 닌자들이 단 한명도 등장하지 않는 점, 세기말적
분위기는 좋았으나 전작들의 무거운 분위기에서 벗어난 점 등에서 팬들의 아쉬움을 샀다.
또한 폭력성 면에서 가장 약한 시리즈이다. (심지어 페이탈리티 시의 연출에서도 코믹한 연출들이 보여진다)
이후 캐릭터들이 추가된 얼티밋 모탈 컴뱃 3, 모탈 컴뱃 트릴로지의 확장팩 시리즈로 이어진다.
모탈컴뱃 2까지 리우 캉의 배우였던 박호성씨는 계약기간이 끝나서 하차하고 중국계 배우를 기용했는데, 팬들은 매우 아쉬워
했다고 한다. 지금도 진정한 리우 캉을 연기할 사람은 박호성밖에 없다는 모탈리언이 꽤 되는 편.
Mortal Kombat 3 (c) 1994 Midway.
Succeeding in taking over the Earth realm, Shao Khan takes all the human souls on Earth as his own.
To stop the Outworld realm from totally merging with the Earth realm, a few Earth warriors were chosen
to have their souls protected from Shao Kahn in order to defend the Earth realm in a new Mortal Kombat
tournament. 14 digitized characters fight to overthrow Shao Khan and his Centaur lieutenant Motaro.
Midway Wolf Unit hardware
Main CPU : TMS34010 (@ 6.25 Mhz)
Sound CPU : ADSP2105 (@ 10 Mhz)
Sound Chips : DMA-driven (@ 10 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 400 x 254 pixels
Screen refresh : 53.20 Hz
Palette colors : 32768
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 6
=> [1] High Punch, [2] Block, [3] High Kick
=> [4] Low Punch, [5] Low Kick, [6] Run
This is the first Mortal Kombat game to have bi-level battlefields, which lets players uppercut their
opponent to the level above them when fighting on certain levels.
This is the first Mortal Kombat arcade game that did not include Scorpion, and, according to series co-
creator Ed Boon, the last. It's also the first game in the series to feature the 'Run' button and the
controversial command combo system.
The story of Stryker : Originally, the character Kurtis Stryker was supposed to appear in MK1,
but was scrapped early in the development process when beta tests revealed a player interest in a female
character in the game, which led to Sonya replacing Stryker. In MK2, Kurtis Stryker almost made it to the
final game, but finally had his name changed to... Jax. For , a new Kurtis Stryker is created and is finally
made part of a MK game.
'Sektor' and 'Cyrax' before given their names were called 'ketchup' and 'mustard'.
The head that occasionally appears after an uppercut or combo and says 'Toasty' is the digitized head
of Dan Forden who worked on the sound and music for the game.
Midway / Toasty Productions released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game
(Musik: & MK4 Arcade Video Game Soundtrack) on 01/01/1997.
PROTO 4.0 :
* AAMA warning in black.
* Shao Kahn just falls over when defeated.
* No ending credits.
* Computer only does combos for finishing moves.
* Motaro could be frozen by Sub-Zero.
* Motaro and Shao Kahn turn white when frozen.
REV. 1.0 :
* AAMA warning in black and blue.
* Sindel, Kabal, Cyrax and Sektor's Animalities added.
* Kano's fatalities have been changed.
* Galaxian game added.
* Vs. codes have been changed.
* Winning streak added.
* Ultimate code added.
* Subway and Shao Kahn Tower fatalities added.
* Credits listed.
* Performing Kabal's animality without a mercy resets the game.
* Computer does fatalities.
* Motaro could be frozen by Sub-Zero.
REV. 2.0 :
* Computer intelligence increased.
* Main Story Plot added.
* More blood added.
* Finishing moves have been changed.
* Babalities added.
* Friendships added.
* Combos altered.
* Shao Kahn's death altered.
* Movie Promo added.
* Antony Espindola included in the credits.
* Sub-Zero can no longer freeze Motaro.
* Smoke's finishing moves added.
* Smoke's Portal stage added (used only when fighting against Smoke).
* Shao Khan looks normal when frozen, instead of white.
REV. 2.1 :
* Computer intelligence increased.
* Damage on some combos lowered (Sub-Zero, Kabal).
* Free credit trick taken out.
* Smoke stays in memory after UKC is entered (Smoke will be erased in earlier versions should
the game reset to factory default settings).
* Cyrax's double fatality glitch removed.
* Ultimate Kombat Kodes : The Ultimate Kombat Codes appear at the single player game over screen.
The following buttons control each box, from left to right :
HP LP BL LK HK (Player-1 side) HP LP BL LK HK (Player-2 side).
The numbers indicate how many times each button should be pressed to display the correct symbol
in the box. A dash separates the player-1 entries from the player-2 entries :
Play as Smoke - 10902-22234
* Kombat Kodes : Kombat Kodes are entered at the 2 player versus screen that appears after character
selection. The following buttons control each box, from left to right : LP BL LK (player-1 side) LP BL LK
(player-2 side).
The numbers indicate how many times each button should be pressed to display the correct symbol
in the box. A dash separates the player one entries from the player 2 entries. A message will appear
when the match begins to confirm correct code entry...
466-466 - Unlimited run
688-422 - Dark Kombat
985-125 - Psycho Kombat
460-460 - Randper Kombat
020-020 - Blocks disabled
033-000 - Player 1 Half Power
000-033 - Player 2 Half Power
707-000 - Player 1 Quarter Power
000-707 - Player 2 Quarter Power
969-141 - Winner fights Motaro
033-564 - Winner fights Shao Kahn
205-205 - Winner fights Smoke
642-468 - Play Galaga
769-342 - Winner fights Noob Saibot
987-123 - No life bars
100-100 - Throwing disabled
987-666 - Hold Flippers during casino run
* Double Stage (If a character is uppercutted, they will fly up to the other stage) :
Subway => Street
Bank => Rooftop
Soul Chamber => Balcony
* Random Select : To have the computer randomly select your character, press Up and the Start button.
* Fatality - SHANG TSUNG :
1a. (close) hold LP, Down, Forward(x2), Down, and release LP - Tsung creates a bed of spikes and throws
the opponent onto them.
1b. (REV 1.0) hold LP, Down, Forward, Down, Forward, and release LP.
2. (close) hold LP, Run, Block, Run, Block, and release LP - Tsung levitates the opponent off the ground.
He steals their soul and their remains fall to the ground in a green puddle.
* Fatality - SINDEL :
1. (jump distance) Run(x2), Block, Run, Block - Sindel coils her hair around the opponent.
She then pulls her hair back, causing the opponent to go into a violent spin, sending blood and body
parts everywhere.
2. (close) Run, Block(x2), Run+Block - Sindel screams at the opponent, causing the opponent's skin to
fly off.
* Fatality - JAX :
1a. (close) hold Block, Up, Down, Forward, Up, and release Block - Jax's arms form into long blades.
He then cuts the opponent to pieces.
1b. (REV 1.0) hold Block, Forward, Down, Back, Up, Forward, and release Block.
2a. (far) Run, Block, Run(x2), LK - Jax grows to an immense size and steps on the opponent.
2b. (REV 1.0) Run(x3), Block, LK.
* Fatality - KANO :
1. (close) hold LP, Forward, Down(x2), Forward, and release LP - Kano pulls the opponent's skeleton out
through their mouth.
2. (jump distance) LP, Block(x2), HK - Kano fires a laser from his eye that heats up the opponent until
they explode.
* Fatality - LIU KANG :
1a. (jump distance) Forward(x2), Down(x2), LK - Liu Kang disappears and reforms on the opponent
as fire. The opponent is reduced to a burning skeleton.
1b. (REV 1.0) Forward(x3), Back, Forward, LK.
2a. (anywhere) Up, Down, Up(x2), Run+Block - Liu Kang disappears and a Mortal Kombat machine
falls on the opponent.
2b. (REV 1.0) hold Block, Up(x3), Run+Block.
* Fatality - SONYA BLADE:1a. (jump distance) Back, Forward, Down(x2), Run - Sonya blows a kiss at the
opponent, turning him into a burning skeleton.
1b. (REV 1.0) Down(x2), Forward, LK.
2. (far) hold Block+Run, Up(x2), Back, Down, and release Block+Run - Sonya blows a pink bubble at the
opponent. The opponent is engulfed in the bubble, which eventually collapses, crushing them.
* Fatality - KURTIS STRYKER :
1. (close) Down, Forward, Down, Forward, Block - Stryker plants explosives on the opponent and runs
away just before they explode.
2. (far) Forward(x3), LK - Stryker fires a tazer at the opponent, electrocuting them.
* Fatality - SMOKE :
1. (far) Up(x2), Forward, Down - Smoke opens his chest and bombs pour out. The screen fades to a
picture of the Earth just seconds before the Earth explodes.
2. (jump distance) hold Run+Block, Down(x2), Forward, Up - Smoke drops an anarchist's bomb down
the opponent's throat, causing them to explode.
* Fatality - SUB-ZERO :
1a. (close) Block(x2), Run, Block, Run - Sub-Zero grabs the opponent and lifts them over his head.
He freezes them and proceeds to shatter them in a massive explosion and throws the ice and body
parts to the ground.
1b. (REV 1.0) Down, Forward, Down, Forward, LP.
2a. (jump distance) Back(x2), Down, Back, Run - Sub-Zero blows a mist that freezes the opponent.
They fall over and shatter.
2b. (REV 1.0) Down, Forward, Back, HK.
* Fatality - CYRAX :
1a. (anywhere) Down(x2), Up, Down, HP - Cyrax's head spins like a helicopter.
He flies up and comes down head first on the opponent.
1b. (REV 1.0) Up(x3), Down, HP.
2a. (close) Down(x2), Forward, Up, Run - Cyrax self-distructs, taking the opponent with him.
2b. (REV 1.0) Forward, Back, Down, Up, Forward, Down, Run.
* Fatality - SEKTOR :
1a : (jump distance) LP, Run(x2), Block - Sektor crushes the opponent in a huge clamp.
1b. (REV 1.0) Back(x3), HK.
2. (jump distance) Forward(x3), Back, Block - Sektor uses a flame thrower on the opponent.
* Fatality - NIGHTWOLF :
1a. (close) hold Block, Up(x2), Back, Forward, release Block, Block - Nightwolf causes a great light
to engulf the opponent, which disintegrates them.
1b. (REV 1.0) Down, Forward(x2), HK.
2a. (jump distance) Back(x3), Down, HP - Nightwolf summons lightning into his tomahawk.
He then electrocutes the opponent.
2b. (REV 1.0) Back(x3), HP.
* Fatality - SHEEVA :
1a. (close) Forward, Down(x2), Forward, LP - Sheeva pounds the opponent into the ground like a nail.
1b. (REV 1.0) Forward(x3), LP.
2a. (close) hold HK, Forward, Back, Forward(x2) and release HK - Sheeva rips all the opponent's skin off.
2b (REV 1.0) hold HK, Forward(x3), and release HK.
* Fatality - KUNG LAO :
1. (close) Forward(x2), Back, Down, HP - Kung Lao throws his hat. It makes four passes at the opponent,
cutting them into pieces.
2. (anywhere) Run, Block, Run, Block, Down - Kung Lao does his whirl spin. The opponent gets pulled
in and is torn apart.
* Fatality - KABAL :
1a. (jump distance) Down(x2), Back, Forward, Block - Kabal plugs his respirator into the opponent.
Their head inflates and they float off the screen where they explode.
1b. (REV 1.0) Back(x2), Forward, Down, Block.
2. Run, Block(x3), HK - Kabal removes his mask to reveal a hideous face and screams at the opponent.
The opponent is so frightened that their soul jumps out of their body.
* Fatality - STAGE :
1) Shao Kahn Tower - the opponent falls seven stories onto a bed of spikes.
2) Subway - the opponent is uppercutted into the far tracks where they are hit by an oncoming train.
3) The Pit III - the opponent is knocked of into rotating blades and cut apart.
SHANG TSUNG : Hold Block, Up(x2), Back, Release Block, LP
SINDEL : Down(x3), LP
JAX : Down, Forward, Down, LP
KANO : Hold Block, Up(x2), Back, Release Block, LK
LIU KANG : Run, Block(x2), LK
SONYA BLADE : Forward(x2), Down, HP
KURTIS STRYKER : hold Block, Forward, Up(x2), Release Block, HK
SMOKE : Forward(x2), Down, LK
SUB-ZERO : Back, Down, Forward(x2), HK
CYRAX : Run, Block, Run
SEKTOR : Run(x3), Down
NIGHTWOLF : Run(x2), Block
SHEEVA : Down, Forward, Down, Forward, LP
KUNG LAO : Down(x2), Forward(x2), LK
KABAL : Block(x2), HK
* Finish Him - Mercy : (Anywhere) Hold Run, Down(x3), and release Run.
* Finish him - Animality (After Mercy) :
SHANG TSUNG : (jump distance) hold HP, Run(x3), and release HP - Tsung tunrs into a large green
cobra and devours the opponent.
SINDEL : Forward, Up, HP - Sindel turns into a purple wasp and carries the opponent off while
stinging them.
SINDEL : (REV 1.0) Forward(x2), HP.
JAX : (close) hold LP, Forward(x2), Down, Forward, and release LP - Jax turns into a yellow lion and
pounces on the opponent.
KANO : (close) hold HP, Block(x3), and release HP - Kano turns into an orange spider and crushes
the opponent.
LIU KANG : (jump distance) Down(x2), Up - Liu Kang turns into a giant green dragon and bites the
opponent in half.
SONYA BLADE : (close) hold LP, Back, Forward, Down, Forward, and release LP - Sonya turns in to
a large green bird and hovers over the opponent. She carries the opponent off screen where there is a
crunching sound and bones fall back to the ground.
KURTIS STRYKER : (demi jump distance) Run(x3), Block - Stryker turns into a red tyrannosaurus rex
and bites the opponent in half.
SMOKE : (jump distance) Down, Forward(x2), Block - Smoke turns into a black bull and rams the
opponent off the screen.
SUB-ZERO : (close) Forward, Up(x2) - Sub-Zero turns into a blue polar bear and pounces on the
CYRAX : (close) Up(x2), Down(x2) - Cyrax turns into a light-blue Shark.
He swims off the screen then pops up behind the opponent and eats them.
CYRAX : (REV 1.0) Up(x2), Down.
SEKTOR : (close) Forward(x2), Down, Up - Sektor turns into a giant purple bat. He flies to the
opponent and decapitates him.
SEKTOR : (REV 1.0) (close) Down(x2), Up.
NIGHTWOLF : (close) Forward(x2), Down(x2) - Nightwolf turns into a red wolf and pounces on
the opponent.
NIGHTWOLF : (REV 1.0) Down(x2).
SHEEVA : (close) Run, Block(x3), Block - Sheeva turns into a giant purple scorpion and stings the
opponent, causing him to explode.
KUNG LAO : (close) Run(x4), Block - Kung Lao turns into a yellow leopard and pounces on the
KABAL : (close) hold HP, Forward(x2), Down, Forward, and release HP - Kabal turns into a green
skeleton of a rhinoceros and butts the opponent into the air.
KABAL : (REV 1.0) hold HP 3 seconds, and release.
* Finish him - Babalities (don't use Block during the last round) :
SHANG TSUNG : Run(x3), LK.
SINDEL : Run(x3), Up.
JAX : Down(x3), LK.
KANO : Forward(x2), Down(x2), LK.
LIU KANG : Down(x3), High Kick.
SONYA BLADE : Down(x2), Forward, LK.
KURTIS STRYKER : Down, Forward(x2), Back, HP.
SMOKE : Down(x2), Back(x2), HK.
SUB-ZERO : Down, Back(x2), HK.
CYRAX : Forward(x2), Back, HP.
SEKTOR : Back, Down(x3), HK.
NIGHTWOLF : Forward, Back, Forward, Back, LP.
SHEEVA : Down(x3), Back, HK.
KUNG LAO : Down, Forward(x2) HP.
KABAL : Run(x2), LK.
* Finish him - Friendship (don't use Block during the last round) :
SHANG TSUNG : (close) LK, Run(x2) Down - Tsung turns into the character from "Joust" and hops off.
SINDEL : Run(x5), Up - Sindel kicks a ball over the opponent and makes a 'Goal' sign. She says,
'That was fun!'.
JAX : LK, Run(x2), LK - Jax takes out a jump rope and starts skipping.
KANO : LK, Run(x2), HK - Kano munches on some bubble gum and blows a large bubble, which
eventually bursts all over his face.
LIU KANG : Down(x3), Run - A film screen pops up and Liu Kang makes a shadow puppet of a dragon.
SONYA BLADE : Back, Forward, Back, Down, Run - Sonya does 'Elbow Sex' with herself??
KURTIS STRYKER : LP, Run(x2), LP - Stryker blows a whistle and takes out a stop sign. The other
kombatants run by and Stryker directs them to the other side.
SMOKE : Run(x3), HK - An enormous brass horn comes out of Smoke's chest, and he blares a note.
SUB-ZERO : (anywhere) LK, Run(x2), Up - Sub-Zero engulfs himself in a snowman.
CYRAX : Run(x3), Up - Cyrax does a little dancing.
SEKTOR : Run(x4), Down - A Ring-the-Bell game pops up and Sektor plays it.
NIGHTWOLF : Run(x3), Down - Nightwolf turns into Raiden. A Mortal Kombat 2 machine falls
behind him. At the bottom of the screen are the words : "I have never seen a Kano Transformation!",
OR "No, but I know how to do a Raiden Transformation!".
SHEEVA : Forward(x2), Down, Forward, HP (Hold joystick forward when pressing High Punch) -
Sheeva holds a stick in each hand and balances a plate on each.
KUNG LAO : Run, LP, Run, LK - Kung Lao tosses his hat off screen. A dog chases after the hat.
Kung Lao covers his eyes as there is a cry off screen, then sadly shakes his head.
KABAL : Run, LK, Run(x2), Up - Kabal roasts a marshmallow on his hook sword.
1. Mortal Kombat (1992)
2. Mortal Kombat II (1993)
3. Mortal Kombat 3 (1994)
4. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (1994)
5. Mortal Kombat Trilogy (1996, Nintendo 64, Sony Playstation, Sega Saturn)
6. Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero (1997, Nintendo 64, Sony PlayStation)
7. Mortal Kombat 4 (1997)
8. Mortal Kombat - Special Forces (2000, Sony PlayStation)
9. Mortal Kombat Advance (2001, Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
10. Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance (2002, Nintendo GameCube, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)
11. Mortal Kombat - Tournament Edition (2003, Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
12. Mortal Kombat - Deception / Mystification (2004, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)
13. Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks (2005, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)
14. Mortal Kombat - Armageddon (2006, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)
Software : Ed Boon
Graphics : John Tobias, Steve Beran, Tony Goskie, Dave Michicich, John Vogel
Sound and music : Dan Forden
Executive producers : Neil Nicastro, Ken Fedesna, Paul Dussault
Hardware designers : Pat Cox, Steve Correll, Ray Gay, Mark Loffredo, John Lowes, Ray Macika,
Cary Mednick, Steve Norris
Senior hardware technicians : Sheridan Oursler, Al Lasko, Jeff Peters
Sales and marketing : Joe Dillon, Rachel Davies, Lenore Sayers, Mark Chan, Roger Sharpe
Grunts, Screams, Groans and Gibberish : John Hey, Peg Burr, Dan Forden, Ann Mazza, Vince Pontarelli,
Ed Boon
Game testers / Analysis : Mike Vinikour, Eddie Ferrier
* CAST :
Kano : Richard Divizio
Sonya : Kerri Hoskins
Kabal : Richard Divizio
Jax : John Parrish
Stryker : Michael Obrien
Liu Kang : Eddie Wong
Nightwolf, Sektor, Cyrax, Smoke : Sal Divita
Sub-Zero, Shang Tsung, Scorpion, Reptile : John Turk
Kitana, Jade, Mileena : Becky Gable
Sindel : Lia Montelongo
Shao Kahn : Brian Glynn
Kung Lao : Tony Marquez
Voice of Shao Kahn : Steve Ritchie
* Consoles :
Sega Master System
Nintendo Super Famicom (1995)
Sega Mega Drive (1995)
Atari Jaguar [Unreleased Prototype]
Sony PlayStation (1995)
Sega Game Gear (1995)
Nintendo Game Boy (1995)
Microsoft XBOX (2004, "Midway Arcade Treasures 2")
Nintendo GameCube (2004, "Midway Arcade Treasures 2")
Sony PlayStation 2 (2004, "Midway Arcade Treasures 2")
Sony PSP (2005, "Midway Arcade Treasures - Extended Play")
* Computers :
PC [MS-DOS, CD-ROM] (1995)
PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2006, "Midway Arcade Treasures Deluxe Edition")
* Others :
Tiger R-Zone (1996)
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.
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