Jump Bug (c) 1981 Rock-ola.
The player controls a VW Beetle that jumps through 8 scenarios collecting money and jewels. Shoot or avoid the enemies.
Main CPU : Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz)
Sound Chips : AY8910 (@ 1.78975 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 224 x 256 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.61 Hz
Palette colors : 98
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 1
Released during December 1981.
The game was originally developed by Coreland Technology Inc. and licensed from SEGA.
A bootleg of this game was released with SEGA copyright.
Allen Rager holds the official record for this game with 850,350 points.
* Consoles :
Emerson Arcadia
Game's rom.