노루쿤의 에뮬랜드


■ 피닉스 (Amstar) - Phoenix

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게임 제작사 (Making)


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카테고리 (Category)

Shooter / Gallery

에뮬 구분 (Emulator)

마메 (MAME)

게임용량 (Size)

15.95 KB

소스 (Source)


타이틀 (Title)

포스터 (Poster)



캐비넷 (Cabinet)


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(Clone Roms)

세계판 (World ver.)

유럽판 (Europe ver.)

미국판 (America ver.)

아시아판 (Asia ver.)

일본판 (Japan ver.)

라틴판 (Latin ver.)

브라질판 (Brazil ver.)

해적판 (Crack ver.)

기타 (Etc ver.)

배트맨 파트 2 Batman Part 2


피닉스 파트 2 Phoenix Part 2


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■ 게임 이미지 (Snap Shot)



■ History

Phoenix (c) 1980 Amstar.

is a classic shoot-em-up in the mould of Taito's "Space Invaders" and Namco's "Galaxian", but takes the concept further with the introduction of progressive stages of play (instead of simply repeating a single playfield over and over with an increasing difficulty level). 

The player's ship moves along the botton of the playfield firing upwards. The ship can also utilize a temporary 'Force Field' to protect it from missiles and birds. Any that collide with the Force Field are destroyed. The Force Field only lasts for two seconds and then cannot be used again for another five seconds. 

There are five attack waves to each round of play. 

The first wave begins with a formation of sixteen attacking the player's ship. They drop missiles and dive at the ship in an effort to destroy it. 

The second wave is a variation of the first, only with a different enemy attack pattern. 

The third wave begins with pattern of eight eggs that when shot hatch into blue birds that then attack the player's ship. These birds can be destroyed by rocket fire from the ship. If the rocket hits the bird on center, the bird is destroyed. If the rocket hits the bird to the left or right of center, only that wing of the bird is destroyed. The wing will regenerate itself if the bird is not quickly destroyed. 

The fourth wave is similar to the third, only with two banks of eggs instead of one. 

The fifth and final wave is the attack of the Space fortress mothership; a huge mothership piloted by a purple-coloured alien that sends down waves of small birds to attack the player's ship, as well as launching missiles from the fortress itself. The alien is protected by a barrier that must be shot several times before both the alien and mothership are destroyed.

Once the mothership has been destroyed, the game starts over with an increased level of difficulty.


Most games will be in a standard Centuri woodgrain cabinet, but several other cabinets exist, due to this game being sold by multiple companies at the same time. These use sticker sideart (which covers the upper half of the machine), and glass marquees. The control panel is made up entirely of buttons, no joysticks are present. The monitor in this machine is mounted vertically, and the monitor bezel is relatively unadorned. uses a unique wiring harness, which isn't know to be compatible with any other games.

Main CPU : 8085A

Sound Chips : TMS36XX, Discrete circuitry

Screen orientation : Vertical

Video resolution : 208 x 248 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz

Palette colors : 256

Players : 2



Titlescreen's copyright notice :



AZ. U.S.A.

Released in December 1980.

was the first multi-level space shooter and also the first shooter to include bosses. Despite its hardware issues, 's many gameplay innovations ensured that it now is rightly regarded as a classic and, along with Taito's "Space Invaders" and Namco's "Pac-Man" shares the dubious honour of being one of the most cloned games of the 1980s; with numerous console and home computer 'tributes' appearing.

Mark Gotfraind holds the official record for this game with 987,620 points.

Official releases :

(Amstar Electronics Corp.)

[Maxi model] (Centuri, Inc.)

[Upright model] (Centuri, Inc.)

[Japanese Cocktail Table] (Taito Corp.)

Bootlegs/hacks :

(Irecsa G.G.I Corp.)


Griffon (Videotron)

Falcon (BGV)

Vautour (Jeutel)

Condor (Sidam)

Batman Part 2


Scoring is a little complicated in this game due to the fact it depends on hits made and how close the 's are to your fighter.

fighters : 20, 40, or 80 points; 200 points if flying as a bird.

birds : 50 or 100 points/egg, 100 - 800 points/bird (depends on how many wings shot off and distance from fighter).

Spacefortress : 800 - 9200 points (depends on the amount of damage to the spaceship, speedof destruction, as well as the number of spaceships destroyed). Usually, first 9 spaceships would increase by a thousand, then will be followed by nine 9000 point spaceships, then back to the first nine set, etc...


* When you start the game, your fighter will be in the middle at the bottom of the screen. You will see a formation of enemy fighters at the top of the screen. This is the beginning of wave 1. A quick note about the shield. It lasts a couple of seconds and takes about five seconds to regenerate again.


1) You will usually be attacked by multiple fighters at any one time. The movements of these fighters is pretty random.

2) In addition to dropping bombs on your fighter, fighters also tend to try to ram your fighter.

3) After you clear out a few fighters, they will reassemble at the top of the screen. They will then move in synch with each other as they creep to the bottom of the screen.

4) Sometimes a fighter will hover right above your ship. If you're quick, you can get off a quick shot and move away before a bomb can be dropped on you.

5) If multiple fighters are at your level, use the shield to clear a path through them.

WAVE 3 AND 4 :

1) The es in wave 3 enter the screen in a zig-zag pattern while the es in wave 4 arrive in a cross-over pattern of four es per side.

2) Once they get large, they start to do erratic zig-zag patterns across the screen. At the same time, they are dropping bombs toward your fighter. Your goal is to shoot off their wings. If you do this, it forces them to go straight down until the wing regenerates. They will still be dropping bombs, but at least they will be going straight down.

3) If at all possible, try to hit the es when they are close to your ship. Doing this gets you more points.

4) In addition, try to shoot off both wings before destroying a for more points.

WAVE 5 :

1) Your goal on this wave is to cut through the hull and shield and take out the alien inside.

2) Start firing as rapidly as you can to quickly cut through the hull. It will take quite a few shots to get to the shield.

3) The shield rotates so you will have to hit it a lot of times in order to get a wide enough hole in it to hit the alien.

4) As all of this is going on, the Spacefortress is continually descending upon your ship. In addition, the escorts are constantly harassing you.

5) A good strategy is that once you have cut a path through the hull and shield, wait for the Spacefortress to be almost on top of your ship. When you take out the alien, you will get a lot more points.

6) Destroying the escorts does not end this wave. Once you complete wave 5, the cycle begins anew.

* During the game three birds will attack all in a line. Let those birds fly all the way to the bottom and start to fly back up. As they are flying up, shoot all three in a row real quick (2 or 3 seconds) and you score will elevates your score to 204,000 regardless of what your current score is - The best way to get this bonus for shooting the three birds in a line is on the second stage of level 2. The blue and pink birds in an oval shape. Just wait, not firing at the bottom of the screen. A single bird will come down, fanny around and then fly back up, then 4 birds will fly down together in a line. When they start to fly back up - blast three of them for the bonus. It works best here because of the rapid fire allowed on this and every other 2nd stage. In addition, accomplishing the trick a second time again puts your score at 204,000, even if your score was higher.


1. (1980)

2. Pleiads (1981)


* Consoles :

Atari 2600 (1982)

Emerson Arcadia (1982, "Space Vultures")

ZX-Spectrum (1983, "Pheenix") : Megadodo Software.

BBC B (1983, "EagleEmpire") : Alligata.

Sony PlayStation 2 (2005, "Taito Legends") (US & Europe)

Microsoft XBOX (2005, "Taito Legends") (US & Europe)

Sony PlayStation 2 (2007, Taito Memories II Vol. 2") (Japan only)

* Computers :

Tandy Color Computer (1983, "Demon Seed")

Commodore C64 (1984, "Eagle Empire")

Apple II ("Falcon")

PC [MS Windows] (2005, "Taito Legends") (US & Europe)

* Others :

Arcade Legends : Space Invaders TV Game (2004 - Radica Games)


Game's rom.


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