노루쿤의 에뮬랜드


■ 갤러그 88 - Galaga 88

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Shooter / Gallery

에뮬 구분 (Emulator)

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614.46 KB

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(Clone Roms)

세계판 (World ver.)

유럽판 (Europe ver.)

미국판 (America ver.)

아시아판 (Asia ver.)

일본판 (Japan ver.)

갤러그 '88 (일본판)

Galaga '88 (Japan)


라틴판 (Latin ver.)

브라질판 (Brazil ver.)

해적판 (Crack ver.)

기타 (Etc ver.)

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■ 게임 이미지 (Snap Shot)








■ 게임 설명

남코에서 1987년에 나온 갤러그 시리즈의 4번째 작품이자 '가플러스(Gaplus) / 갤러그 3'의 속편.

우주에서 파리를 잡는 슈팅게임이라는 건 변함이 없지만 전작보다 한층 더 향상된 그래픽을 보여주며, 적들의 수가 더 다양해졌다.

개플러스에 있던 기체 변형 시스템이 이어져 이번 작품은 3단 합체까지 가능하다.

중간에 나오는 아이템을 얻느냐 못얻느냐 (보너스 스테이지 이전까지 2개를 얻어야 한다. 합체로 나오는 적이나 방해물을

제거하면 획득 가능, 거대보스 스테이지에선 나오지 않는다) 에 따라서 분기가 생기는데, 분기에 따라서 나오는 적들이 또 달라진다.

'차원' 이라고 불리는 이 분기는 5번째 분기까지 업그레이드 가능.

게다가 중간에는 '거대보스' 까지 등장, 갤러그 때와는 또 다른 재미가 있지만 갤러그라는 타이틀 본연의 재미도 여전히 충실하다.

하지만 갤러그가 당시 오락실을 거의 천하통일하다시피 했던것에 비해 이미 이 때에는 트윈 코브라와 알타입 같은 게임들이 나오며

슈팅 게임들이 발전하고 있었던 시기인지라 이 게임은 별로 성공하진 못했다.

사실 갤럭시안으로 시작되는 이 시리즈의 전성기는 갤러그 ~ 가플러스 때 이미 끝났다고 밖에 할 수가 없다.

PC엔진으로도 이식되었는데, 이게 특이하게 일본 외의 국가에서는 '갤러그 90'으로 발매되었다.

그럴만도 한 것이 다른 나라에서는 2년 뒤인 1989년에 발매되었기 때문. 시스템은 같다.

사실 국내에서 갤 88이라고 하면 아케이드 원판보다는 PC 엔진통으로 풀린 경우가 더 많았다.

세가 게임기어로도 이식되었는데, 이 때는 일본에선 '갤러그 91'로, 유럽에선 '갤러그 2'로 발매되었다.

게임 동영상


Galaga '88 (c) 1987 Namco.

Galaga '88 is an updated version of the old favorite, Galaga, with more invaders and more player firepower. Galaga '88 gives players a chance to once again repel the invaders from the Galagan Kingdom. One or two players can try their hand at fighting the invaders. This time the Galagans have four more allies, each with unique weapons and defenses that a player must overcome.

By destroying special enemies or obstacles the player can get 'items'. When a player has two items, he can warp to another sector to confront more Galagan ships with new strategies. In the Challenge Rounds, the player shoots down as many invaders as possible as the Galagans dance to a waltz, tango, march or jazz tune.

The player selects single or dual ship power. The objective is to destroy all the Galagan foes in each of the 29 sectors of the galaxy, with each sector more difficult than the last.

Unique Features :

* More opponents. In addition to Boss, Goei and Zago, the original Galagan crew, Don, Nin, Ban, and Gan have been added. Each of the Galagans has a unique way of challenging the players.

* Different types of ships. Players can choose single or dual ships (if the game option is set for dual and single). When the player retrieves a dual ship from the Boss's tractor beam, it turns into a triple ship with ten times the power of a single ship.

* Challenge Rounds. In the Galaga '88 Challenge Rounds the Galagan invaders dance to a waltz, tango, Sousa march or jazz tune, while the player shoots down Galagans to earn bonus points.

* Warping to a new sector. By destroying particular enemies or obstacles and capturing two of their items, the player can warp to the next sector.

* Player challenge. Each sector has different mix of Galagans with different strategies to be overcome.

* Win back captured ships. The player can win back ships captured in the Boss Galaga's tractor beam. When the player destroys the Boss, the ships are released. If the player retrieves them, the ships become dual ships if they were single and triple if they were double.

* High Score Mode. Upon completing a game, a player can enter his initials if he is among the top eight scorers on the game.


This title was usually sold as a conversion kit (most games were back in 1988). It used the standard JAMMA harness. The marquee showed a gold 'Galaga '88' logo on a field of red teardrops. The side-art had the same picture as the marquee, but without the background. The control panel featured a single 2-Way joystick and a fire button on either side (along with start buttons and game instructions). Many of these machines will have 8-Way joysticks instead of the original 2-Way ones, they are interchangeable as far as this game is concerned.

Namco System 1 hardware

Game ID : G8

Main CPU : 6809 (@ 1.536 Mhz)

Sub CPU : 6809 (@ 1.536 Mhz)

Sound CPU : 6809 (@ 1.536 Mhz)

MCU: HD63701 (@ 1.536 Mhz)

Sound Chips : YM2151 (3.57958 Mhz), Namco advanced 8-channel stereo WSG, stereo DAC

Screen orientation : Vertical

Video resolution : 224 x 288 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.61 Hz

Palette colors : 24-bit RGB palette

Players : 2

Control : 2-way joystick

Buttons : 1 (FIRE)


Released in December 1987.

Licensed to Atari for US distribution.

An homage to "Bosconian" is paid in stages 15-17 (dimension 4) with the green hexagonal space stations in the background, as well as the mines which are used as scenery objects.

Challenging Stage 2 from Dimension 1 is used as a loading game in "Ridge Racer Revolution".

Stephen Krogman holds the official record for this game with 1,575,490 points.


* Perfect Bonus : shoot all 40 enemies in the 'That's Galactic Dancin' bonus stages to receive a 'Perfect' bonus just like the challenging stages in the original "Galaga". Initially this bonus is 10,000 points but it increases on later 'That's Galactic Dancin' stages.

* Secret Bonus : during the 'That's Galactic Dancin' bonus stage, don't touch anything : don't shoot and don't move (simply don't touch the joystick); at the end of the dance and after getting ZERO hits and ZERO points, you'll receive a 10,000 points 'Secret Bonus'.

* Pick up two blue items to get a bonus and go to the next harder dimension after completing a 'That's Galactic Dancin' stage. This bonus is also initially 10,000 points but increases each time you achieve it.

* Pick up a purple item which appears on later stages to immediately get a triple firepower ship.


1. Galaxian (1979)

2. Galaga (1981)

3. Gaplus (1984) also known as "Galaga 3".

4. Galaga '88 (1987)

5. Galaxian3 (1990)

6. Galaxian3 Theatre 6 : Project Dragoon (1990)

7. Galaxian3 Theatre 6 J2 : Attack Of The Zolgear (1994)

8. Galaga - Destination Earth (2000, Nintendo Game Boy Color, PC CD-ROM and Sony PlayStation)

9. Galaga Legions (2008, XBOX 360 [Xbox Live Arcade])


Sound composed by : Hiroyuki Kawada


* Consoles :

NEC PC-Engine (1988)

Sega Mega Drive ("Galaga '90") [Unreleased Prototype]

Sony PlayStation (1995, "Ridge Racer Revolution") : you can play the game while the main game loads. Only the challenging stages are included.

Sony PlayStation 2 (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary") : initially locked.

Microsoft XBOX (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary") : initially locked.

Nintendo GameCube (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary") : initially locked.

Microsoft XBOX 360 (2008, "Namco Museum Virtual Arcade")

* Computers :

Sharp X68000 (1990)

PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary") : initially locked.

* Others :

Ipad/Iphone (2011, "Galaga 30th Collection")


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.


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