노루쿤의 에뮬랜드


 초보자 필독사항


마메(Mame)란 무엇인가??

■ 마메 (Mame)란 무엇인가?? Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator의 약자. 말그대로 오락실 게임 기계의 CPU, 비디오, 사운드등을 가상으로 구현해서 기판에서 PC로 덤프된 롬파일을 실행시키는 에뮬레이터.



[초보자 필독!] MAME 초보자를 위한 게임실행 방법

■ [초보자 필독!] MAME 초보자를 위한 게임실행 방법 ● 본 설명은 초보자를 위해 작성된 설명입니다.  천천히 읽고 따라 해보시면 충분히 게임을 실행하실 수 있습니다. ● 현재 제가 사용하고



마메 바이오스 v0.210 ( mame biso pack v0.210 )

마메 바이오스가 필요로 하는 롬파일을 위해 "roms" 폴더에 넣어주세요. 다운로드 후 압축을 풀고 생성된 zip 파일 형식의 바이오스를 "roms" 폴더에 그대로 넣어주시면 됩니다.  파일 다운로드



'Q & A' 카테고리의 글 목록

고전게임 블로그



마메 부모롬과 클론롬의 차이

■ 마메 부모롬과 클론롬의 차이 - 게임이 처음 발매될 때, 각 나라별로 언어가 다르거나 그 나라 사정에 맞춰서 내부코드가 약간씩 수정되어 나옵니다. 그래서 같은 게임이라도 미국버전, 유럽



잘 모르시는 분들은 위 내용들을 확인하시고 진행하시면 수월하게 게임을 하실 수 있습니다.

 모탈 컴뱃 I - Mortal Kombat I

   게임 제작사 (Making) - Midway

   제작 년도 (Since) - 1992년

   카테고리 (Category) - Fighter / Versus

   에뮬 구분 (Emulator) - 마메 (Mame)

   게임용량 (Size) - 5.24 MB

   소스 (Source) - midtunit.c

 게임 이미지 (Snap Shot)

 타이틀 (Title)

 포스터 (Poster)

 캐비넷 (Cabinet)

 Artwork Preview


 Control Panel

 게임 다운로드 (Game Download)

10MB 보다 큰 파일은 용량 제한으로 인하여 반디집으로 분할 압축되어 있습니다.

다운받으신 다음 압축을 한번 해제한 후 zip 형식의 롬파일을 roms 폴더에 넣어주셔야 합니다.


원본롬 (Roms)


원본롬 파일은 게임 실행에 반드시 필요하므로 다운 받아야 합니다.

클론롬 (Clone Roms)

모탈 컴뱃 (개정판 1.0 08/09/92) Mortal Kombat (rev 1.0 08/09/92)


모탈 컴뱃 (개정판 2.0 08/18/92) Mortal Kombat (rev 2.0 08/18/92)


모탈 컴뱃 (개정판 3.0 08/31/92) Mortal Kombat (rev 3.0 08/31/92)


모탈 컴뱃 (개정판 4.0 09/28/92) Mortal Kombat (rev 4.0 09/28/92)


모탈 컴뱃 (니프티 콤보, 해킹판) Mortal Kombat (Nifty Kombo, hack)


모탈 컴뱃 (니프티 콤보 666, 해킹판) Mortal Kombat (Nifty Kombo 666, hack)


모탈 컴뱃 (시험판, 개정판 4.0 07/14/92) Mortal Kombat (prototype, rev 4.0 07/14/92)


모탈 컴뱃 (시험판 개정판 8.0 07/21/92) Mortal Kombat (prototype, rev 8.0 07/21/92)


모탈 컴뱃 (시범판, 개정판 9.0 07/28/92) Mortal Kombat (prototype, rev 9.0 07/28/92)


모탈 컴뱃 (개정판 4.0 T-Unit 02/11/93) Mortal Kombat (rev 4.0 T-Unit 02/11/93)


모탈 컴뱃 (터보 닌자 유닛 03/19/93, 해킹판) Mortal Kombat (Turbo Ninja T-Unit 03/19/93, hack)


모탈 컴뱃 (Yawdim 해적판) Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg)


모탈 컴뱃 (터보 3.1 09/09/93, 해킹판) Mortal Kombat (Turbo 3.1 09/09/93, hack)



 구동 에뮬레이터


마메 플러스 v0.145

■ MAME Plus! v0.145u5 r5002 x64 x86 마메 롬파일들을 구동시켜주는 에뮬레이터 다운로드 후 압축해제하고 생성된 "mamepgui.exe" 를 실행하세요. ■ 다운로드 64비트 32비트


아트웍 (Artwork) 설정방법


Mame 에서 아트웍(Artwork) 적용법 및 예제

■ Mame 에서 아트웍(Artwork) 적용법 및 예제 ■ 오락실 실제기기 모습을 구현해 주는 Mame 의 Artwork ● 아래는 1943 (Capcom - 1987년작)의 업소에서 구동되던 실제기기의 모습입니다. 비교적 90년대 이전



다운 받으신 후 압축 해제하지 말고 artwork 폴더에 넣어주세요.

 매뉴얼 (Manuals)


pdf 파일로 된 매뉴얼입니다.

전용뷰어 다운로드 페이지 바로가기

 게임 설명

모탈 컴뱃 시리즈의 대망의 시작을 알린 첫 작품. 다양한 기종으로 이식되었다.


여러가지 기념비적인 성과를 이룬 작품으로 최초의 버튼 가드, 최초의 공중 콤보, 최초의 숨겨진 캐릭터를 탄생시켰으나 이

게임을 널리 알린 것은 페이탈리티의 등장이 있겠다.

페이탈리티의 잔혹성 (아케이드 게임이 9시 뉴스까지 타게 된 최초의 사례. 물론 잔학성 문제다. 이것을 계기로 당시 심의기관의

게임 심의가 좀 더 까다로워졌다. 그리고 6년뒤 사립 저스티스 학원이 지상파 뉴스에 보도된다.

이건 비록 뉴스까지 등장한 이유 (학생들 사이 및 교사간의 격투) 가 다르긴 하지만) 으로 게임은 엄청난 인기를 얻게 되고

이 잔혹성의 문제로 인해 미국내 게임심의 기구인 ESRB가 생겨나기에 이른다.

(정계에서도 난리나서 미국 정치인 제프 리버먼 상원의원은 1993년 12월 9일, 게임의 잔혹성에 대하여 연설을 하며 이 게임을

신나게 비난했다. 그런데 그 다음 날인 10일에 바로 둠이 발매됐다!)

확인되지 않은 소문이지만 유독 모탈 컴뱃 1 오리지널 아케이드판이 후속작들에 비해 유일하게 한국 오락실에 퍼진것은 당시

기판 수입 업체가 심의기관에 뇌물을 주었기 때문이라는 설도 있다.


아케이드도 아케이드지만 이식기종 중 하나가 PC였기에 PC판으로 접한 사람들 역시 많을 것이다.

초기에 밸런스 조정의 문제가 있어 아케이 드버전 업데이트를 10회 정도 한 것으로 알려져 있으며, 당시에는 후에 추가된

저글링 시스템이 없어 띄우기만 하면 온갖 무한 콤보가 가능했었다.

여담이지만, 이거 의외로 CPU가 어려운 게임에 속한다.

갈수록 난이도가 상승하는 것에 따라 아주 꼼수까지 시전하는 무서운 cpu가 된다.

게다가 시리즈 전통으로 최종보스 직전에서는 저런 CPU 두명을 동시에 상대해야 하는 스테이지도 있다.


정확히는 CPU가 굉장히 컴퓨터답게 플레이어의 사거리를 딱 읽고 행동하거나 프레임 단위로 잽의 딜레이를 씹고 잡아버리거나

하는 식이라 이쪽도 CPU의 AI헛점을 파악하는 식으로 싸워야 한다.


Mortal Kombat (c) 1992 Midway.


A 1-on-fighting game featuring a cast of 7 different fighters.

Mortal Kombat took ideas from Capcom's seminal "Street Fighter II - The World Warrior", such as the game's

special moves and projectiles.

It also introduced a cast of photo-realistic digitized fighters for players to fight either as or against.

Battles are fought over the best of 3 rounds. At the end of a round a voice instructs the winner to

'finish him' and players have only a couple of seconds to try and execute their character's 'fatality', which

sees the winner killing the loser in a spectacular and grisly fashion.



Midway Y Unit hardware

Main CPU : TMS34010

Sound CPU : M6809

Sound Chips : YM2151, DAC, OKI6295

Screen orientation : Horizontal

Video resolution : 400 x 254 pixels

Screen refresh : 53.20 Hz

Palette colors : 32768

Players : 2

Control : 8-way joystick

Buttons : 6

=> [1] High Punch, [2] Block, [3] High Kick

=> [4] Low Punch, [5] Low Kick, [6] Block



Released in July 1992.

Mortal Kombat was renowned as the first fighting game to use digitized characters and blood (as opposed to

the hand-animated, more cartoon-like graphics of competing games). Mortal Kombat was developed as a

reaction to the popular Capcom game "Street Fighter II - The World Warrior", with simpler controls and

digitized graphics. Some say the game's graphic violence was gratuitous, and was only included in order to

generate a public outcry and controversy that would increase publicity for the game.

Although highly controversial, the mix of realism and violence propelled Mortal Kombat to the height of

popularity. An example of the game's innovations was the Fatality, a special finishing move executed

against a dying opponent to create an even more gruesome death. For example, one character would grasp

a defeated, wobbling opponent by the head, then rip the head and spine out of the opponent's body,

which then crumpled to the ground in a pool of blood. Another aspect of game-play that became a

recurring element in games that followed was the so-called 'juggle', where a series of moves could be

executed against an opponent who was kept in mid-air by the force of the attacks, and who hence had no

defense against further attacks as long as the 'juggle' could be maintained.

The original concept of Mortal Kombat was modeled after the Jean-Claude Van Damme movie 'Bloodsport',

which is a cult classic martial arts film. The character of Johnny Cage is directly modeled after Frank Dux,

Van Damme's character in the movie. Johnny Cage's film-star motif is an obvious link to this. Cage also

wears the same costume (plus shoes) that Van Damme's character wore in the final battle of the movie.

Cage's splits punch was originally seen in Bloodsport during the fight against the Sumo wrestler.

Since Midway was unable to get Van Damme for this game, they kept the same kumite/martial arts movie

concept and added the Kombat story.

Mortal Kombat was the first video game to have an official release date countdown in U.S./U.K. and


This momentous day was known as 'Mortal Monday'.

The code for this game includes the ASCII string 'NOOBSAIBOT' (originally in "Mortal Kombat II" rev. 3.1),

suggesting that the character may have made his first appearance here, instead of Reptile (which took up

less memory).

The heads used in the background of the first stage and in the spike pit are actually those of the

programmers themselves! The statue of Buddha in the background of the courtyard stage was actually a

lawn ornament from a neighbor's yard.

During the fighting scenes that take place on the stone platform above the field of sharp spikes, if you

look closely at the glowing moon in the background, you will sometimes see a silhouette fly past it.

These shadows will either be Peter Pan and the Darling children, a witch on a broomstick, a kite, a blimp,

a rocket, a flying saucer, or Santa Claus in his reindeer-pulled sleigh. The shadows appear about every 6


Liu Kang is Midway's homage to Bruce Lee.

Raiden really is the Japanese God of Thunder. His appearance in myth is quite different though : he has

red skin and a demonic face, his feet have two claws on them, and he carries either a wheel or drums on

his back. He also is thought to eat human navels so people are advised to lie on their stomachs during


In the Courtyard stage, above the red door on the right side, you can see "Pac-Man", a ghost and a power

pellet carved on the stone.

A hacked version also exist, every stage had a black/night sky and every time you got frozen by Sub-Zero,

your fighter would rise up and stay there 'till you either got hit or the freezing effect went away.

The same thing would happen if you were using Sub-Zero and froze your opponent.

The machine would boot up just like a regular machine boots up, except another black screen with red

letters and asterisks labeling it as "Mortal Kombat Black Ninja Edition" was displayed before the title

screen. A Mortal Kombat unit appears in the 1995 movie 'The Doom Generation'.

Midway released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Mortal Kombat II: Music from the

Arcade Game Soundtrack - 123770-C1) on 01/12/1993.

Michael Jackson used to own this game.

It was sold at the official Michael Jackson Auction on Apr. 24th, 2009.

Official products:

Mortal Kombat (Midway)

Unofficial products:

Mortal Kombat (Yawdim)

Mortal Kombo Kombat [Turbo 3.1]

Mortal Kombo Kombat [Turbo Ninja]



PROTO 4.0 (07/14/92):

* Prototype version.

* You cannot play as the same character

* Menu won't allow cursors to pass each other in 2 player selection

* Sub Zero has new corner infinite (ex. uppercut, freeze and repeat)

* Sub Zero has faster recovery after slide and can go straight into sweep for most instances

* Sub Zero can freeze opponent in air for finish him as he's falling from uppercut, and do fatality in air

and body will fall to ground frozen

* Liu Kang can do Flying Kick when you do a HK first in air than F, F HK

* Raiden can now do Torpedo after doing a JK for more combo possibilities

PROTO 8.0 (07/21/92):

* Prototype version.

PROTO 9.0 (07/28/92):

* Prototype version.

REV. 1.0 (08/09/92):

* First official release of Mortal Kombat.

* In a 2-player game, both players could not choose the same character.

* Liu Kang had Uppercut - Flying Kick Combo.

REV. 2.0 (08/09/92):

* Both players could choose the same character.

* New Shang Tsung death animation added.

* Merchandise promo added.

* More blood added.

REV. 3.0 (08/31/92):

* Computer intelligence increased.

* Reptile added.

* Comic book offer is a switch setting.

REV. 4.0 (09/28/92):

* Reptile clues added (shadows on moon, see Tips and Tricks section).

* Sonya and Kano could fight Reptile.

* Block allowed during fatality.

* Goro's theme played during all Endurance rounds.

REV. 4.0 [T-Unit] (02/11/93) :

* Runs on the newer Midway T Unit hardware, the same hardware as "Mortal Kombat II"

REV. 5.0 [T-Unit] (03/19/93) :

* Bug fix release.



* Basic Move

High Punch - 500 points

Low Punch - 500 points

High Kick - 2,000 points

Low Kick - 2,000 points

Backhand - 2,000 points

Throw - 5,000 points

Knee - 5,000 points

Jump Punch - 1,000 points

Jump Kick - 2,000 points

Uppercut - 2,000 points

Crouch Kick - 500 points

Sweep - 1,000 points

Roundhouse - 2,000 points

* Special Moves :


Green Ball - 2,000 points

Shadow Kick - 5,000 points

Split Punch - 5,000 points


Headbutt - 2,000 points

Knife Throw - 2,000 points

Kano Ball - 5,000 points


Lightening - 2,000 points

Teleport - 0 points

Torpedo - 5,000 points


Fireball - 2,000 points

Flying Kick - 2,000 points


Spear - 2,000 points

Teleport Punch - 2,000 points


Freeze - 0 points

Slide - 1,000 points


Sonic Ring - 2,000 points

Teleport Punch - 2,000 points

Leg Scissors - 2,000 points

* Bonus Points :

Breaking Wood - 100,000 points.

Breaking Stone - 200,000 points.

Breaking Steel - 500,000 points.

Breaking Ruby - 1,000,000 points.

Breaking Diamond - 2,000,000 points.

Time - Time left multiplied by 1,000.

Fatality - 100,000 points.

Flawless Victory - 200,000 points.

Double Flawless - 500,000 points.

Defeat Reptile - 10,000,000 points.



* Basic Move (% of damage) : How To

High Punch (5.5%) : Basic HP

Low Punch (5.5%) : Basic LP

High Kick (14.8%) : Basic HK

Low Kick (14.8%) : Basic LK

Backhand (11.7%) : HP when close

Throw (24.2%) : LP when close

Knee (14.8%) : HK or LK when close

Jump Punch (11.7%) : HP or LP while in air

Jump Kick (14.8%) : HK or LK while in air

Uppercut (24.2%) : Hold down HP or LP

Crouch Kick (11.7%) : Hold down HK or LK

Sweep (11.7%) : Hold back LK

Roundhouse (19.5%) : Hold back HK

* Special Moves (% of damage) : How to


Green Ball (14.8%) : B, F, LP

Shadow Kick (18%) : B, F, LK

Split Punch (21.1%) : BLK+LP


Headbutt (11.7%) : HP when close

Knife Throw (14.8%) : Hold BLK (B, F) or B, F+BLK

Kano Ball (18%) : F-D-B-U (Full circle away from opponent starting forward)


Lightening (14.8%) : D, F, LP

Teleport (0%) : D, U

Torpedo (18%) : B, B, F


Fireball (14.8%) : F, F, HP

Flying Kick (18%) : F, F, HK


Spear (4.6%) : B, B, LP

Teleport Punch (18%) : D, B, HP

Freeze (0%) : D, F, LP

Slide (7%) : LP+BLK+LK


Sonic Ring (14.8%) : B, B, LP

Teleport Punch (16.4%) : F, B, HP

Leg Scissors (24.2%) : LP+BLK+LK

* Fatalities : To perform a Fatality, you must win the match, then do the proper joystick/button sequence

when 'Finish Him!' appears...

JOHNNY CAGE : (close) Forward(x3), HP - Cage decaptates his opponent with an uppercut.

KANO : (close) Back, Down, Forward, LP - Kano rips out his opponent's heart.

SUB-ZERO : (close) Forward, Down, Forward, HP - Sub-Zero grabs his opponent by the neck and pulls their

head off, taking their spine along with the head.

SONYA BLADE : (anywhere) Forward(x2), Back(x2), Block - Sonya blows an energy ball in the air.

The ball hits her opponent and engulfs them in flames, turning the opponent into a skeleton.

RAIDEN : (close) Forward, Back(x3), HP - Raiden shoots lightning into his opponent's head, causing it to


LIU KANG : (close) hold Block, 270 degrees (Forward, Down, Back, Up) - Liu Kang does a spinning kick

and an uppercut.

SCORPION : (jump distance) hold Block, Up(x2), release Block - Scorpion removes his mask to reveal a skull.

He then breathes fire on his opponent, turning him into a skeleton.

* Bonus Points : Test your might appears after every 3rd win in a 1P game. In 2P it appears after every

5th Battle.

Breaking Wood : Break the WOOD tapping the punch and kick buttons till the meter fills up then block.

Breaking Stone : Break the STONE after breakin the WOOD.

Breaking Steel : Break the STEEL after breakin the STONE.

Breaking Ruby : Break the RUBY after breakin the STEEL.

Breaking Diamond : Break the DIAMOND after breakin the RUBY.

Fatality : Perform the characters finishing move.

Flawless Victory : Beat your opponent without getting hit.

Double Flawless : Beat your opponent without getting hit 2 rounds in a row.

* Defeat Reptile (Rev 3.0+ only) : The shadows indicate that Reptile is available as an opponent.

To fight him, win with a double flawless and fatality, without using block in the entire match.



1. Mortal Kombat (1992)

2. Mortal Kombat II (1993)

3. Mortal Kombat 3 (1994)

4. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (1994)

5. Mortal Kombat Trilogy (1996, Nintendo 64, Sony Playstation, Sega Saturn)

6. Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero (1997, Nintendo 64, Sony PlayStation)

7. Mortal Kombat 4 (1997)

8. Mortal Kombat - Special Forces (2000, Sony PlayStation)

9. Mortal Kombat Advance (2001, Nintendo Game Boy Advance)

10. Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance (2002, Nintendo GameCube, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)

11. Mortal Kombat - Tournament Edition (2003, Nintendo Game Boy Advance)

12. Mortal Kombat - Deception / Mystification (2004, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)

13. Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks (2005, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)

14. Mortal Kombat - Armageddon (2006, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)



Design and software : Ed Boon

Design and graphics : John Tobias

Music and sounds : Dan Forden

Background graphics : John Vogel

Executive producers : Neil Nicastro, Ken Fedesna

Senior hardware technician : Sheridan Oursler

Cabinet designer : Ray Czajka

* CAST :

Johnny Cage, Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Reptile : Daniel Pesina

Kano : Richard Divizio

Raiden : Carlos Pesina

Liu Kang and Shang Tsung : Ho Sung Pak

Sonya : Elizabeth Malecki

Goro character design by : John Tobias

Stop Motion Miniature by : Curt Chiarelli



* Consoles :

Sega Mega Drive (1992)

Nintendo Super Famicom (1993 - Developed by Sculptured Software)

Nintendo Game Boy (1993) : Cage was taken out (but Kano was left in).

Sega Master System (1993)

Sega Game Gear (1993) : Kano was taken out (but Cage was left).

Sega Mega-CD (1993)

Sony PlayStation 2 (2004, "Mortal Kombat Deception Premium Pack")

Microsoft XBOX (2004, "Mortal Kombat Deception Premium Pack")

Sony PSP (2005, "Midway Arcade Treasures - Extended Play")

* Computers :

Commodore Amiga (1993)

PC [MS-DOS, 3.5''] (1993)

PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2006, "Midway Arcade Treasures Deluxe Edition")

* Others :

Mortal Kombat TV Game (2004 - Jakk's Pacific)

Mobile Phones (2004)



Game's rom.

Machine's picture.


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