마메(Mame)란 무엇인가??
■ 마메 (Mame)란 무엇인가?? Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator의 약자. 말그대로 오락실 게임 기계의 CPU, 비디오, 사운드등을 가상으로 구현해서 기판에서 PC로 덤프된 롬파일을 실행시키는 에뮬레이터.
[초보자 필독!] MAME 초보자를 위한 게임실행 방법
■ [초보자 필독!] MAME 초보자를 위한 게임실행 방법 ● 본 설명은 초보자를 위해 작성된 설명입니다. 천천히 읽고 따라 해보시면 충분히 게임을 실행하실 수 있습니다. ● 현재 제가 사용하고
마메 바이오스 v0.210 ( mame biso pack v0.210 )
마메 바이오스가 필요로 하는 롬파일을 위해 "roms" 폴더에 넣어주세요. 다운로드 후 압축을 풀고 생성된 zip 파일 형식의 바이오스를 "roms" 폴더에 그대로 넣어주시면 됩니다. 파일 다운로드
'Q & A' 카테고리의 글 목록
고전게임 블로그
마메 부모롬과 클론롬의 차이
■ 마메 부모롬과 클론롬의 차이 - 게임이 처음 발매될 때, 각 나라별로 언어가 다르거나 그 나라 사정에 맞춰서 내부코드가 약간씩 수정되어 나옵니다. 그래서 같은 게임이라도 미국버전, 유럽
잘 모르시는 분들은 위 내용들을 확인하시고 진행하시면 수월하게 게임을 하실 수 있습니다.
게임 제작사 (Making) - Midway
제작 년도 (Since) - 1993년
카테고리 (Category) - Fighter / Versus
에뮬 구분 (Emulator) - 마메 (Mame)
게임용량 (Size) - 13 MB
소스 (Source) - midtunit.c
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10MB 보다 큰 파일은 용량 제한으로 인하여 반디집으로 분할 압축되어 있습니다.
다운받으신 다음 압축을 한번 해제한 후 zip 형식의 롬파일을 roms 폴더에 넣어주셔야 합니다.
원본롬 (Roms)
원본롬 파일은 게임 실행에 반드시 필요하므로 다운 받아야 합니다.
클론롬 (Clone Roms)
모탈 컴뱃 II 챌린저 (해킹판) Mortal Kombat II Challenger (hack)
모탈 컴뱃 II (개정판 L1.1) Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1)
모탈 컴뱃 II (개정판 L1.4) Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.4)
모탈 컴뱃 II (개정판 L2.1) Mortal Kombat II (rev L2.1)
모탈 컴뱃 II (개정판 L3.0) Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.0)
모탈 컴뱃 II (개정판 L3.1, 유럽판) Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1 (European))
모탈 컴뱃 II (개정판 L3.2 (유럽판)) Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.2 (European))
모탈 컴뱃 II (개정판 L4.2, 해킹판) Mortal Kombat II (rev L4.2, hack)
모탈 컴뱃 II (개정판 L9.1, 해킹판) Mortal Kombat II (rev L9.1, hack)
마메 플러스 v0.145
■ MAME Plus! v0.145u5 r5002 x64 x86 마메 롬파일들을 구동시켜주는 에뮬레이터 다운로드 후 압축해제하고 생성된 "mamepgui.exe" 를 실행하세요. ■ 다운로드 64비트 32비트
Mame 에서 아트웍(Artwork) 적용법 및 예제
■ Mame 에서 아트웍(Artwork) 적용법 및 예제 ■ 오락실 실제기기 모습을 구현해 주는 Mame 의 Artwork ● 아래는 1943 (Capcom - 1987년작)의 업소에서 구동되던 실제기기의 모습입니다. 비교적 90년대 이전
다운 받으신 후 압축 해제하지 말고 artwork 폴더에 넣어주세요.
pdf 파일로 된 매뉴얼입니다.
전용뷰어 다운로드 페이지 → 바로가기
미드웨이에서 제작한 모탈 컴뱃 시리즈 두번째 작품.
그리고 여기서부터 더 이상 단순한 격투 대회가 아닌, 차원계의 운명을 결정하는 대 사투의 서막이 열린다.
2D 시리즈 중 가장 전체적 완성도가 높다는 평을 받는다.
전작보다 깔끔해진 그래픽과 부드러운 움직임으로 일신되었으며, 선택 가능 캐릭터도 12명으로 늘었다.
숨겨진 선택 불가 캐릭터를 포함하면 총 17명. 보스급 캐릭터인 킨타로, 샤오칸과 일정 조건을 만족하면 싸울 수 있는 제이드와
스모크, 눕 사이보트가 있다. 스모크와 제이드는 살아있는 숲 스테이지에서 가끔씩 모습을 볼 수 있다.
(이들은 전작의 렙타일처럼 닌자류 캐릭터들의 업그레이드 클론이었으나, 이후 씨리즈를 거듭하며 정규 캐릭터에 편입, 점차
자기만의 개성을 갖춰가게 된다) 역시나 난입 조건이 굉장히 까다롭다.
또한 보너스 게임으로 퐁이 수록되어 있는데, VS 모드에서 250연승을 하면 플레이 할 수 있다.
(VS 모드이기에 짜고 칠수도 있지 않나 싶지만 50연승을 거두면 먼저 눕 사이보트가 난입해 오기에 그를 이기는 것이 관건)
또한 2D 시리즈 중 가장 분위기가 싸늘하고 공포스럽다.
피니쉬 연출도 몸이 세로로 쪼개지거나 내장이 드러나고, 갑자기 몸이 풍선처럼 커지더니 폭발하는 등 폭력성 면에서도
(서브제로의 척추뽑기와 케이노의 심장 꺼내기가 사라져 은은한 폭력성면에서 1편보다 낮게 생각하는 사람들도 있다)
그외에 상대방을 죽이지 않고 우정을 나누는 프렌드쉽(Friendship)과 아기로 만드는 베이발리티(Babality)가 추가되어 살벌한
전투 가운데 웃음을 주는 요소들도 추가되었다.
제작자들은 이 추가된 요소들에 대해 "당신의 친구들에게 모탈컴뱃이 좋은 게임이라는걸 알려줄 수 있는 좋은 요소"라고 말했다.
아케이드판의 경우 전작처럼 CPU 난이도가 높다. 다만 CPU 난이도는 몇몇 이식판에서 조정된 듯.
Mortal Kombat II (c) 1993 Midway.
12 digitized fighters battle to stop Shao Khan and Kintaro from dominating the Earth realm! Regarded as
the best of the series.
Midway T Unit hardware
Main CPU : TMS34010 (@ 6.25 Mhz)
Sound CPU : ADSP2105 (@ 10 Mhz)
Sound Chips : DMA-driven (@ 10 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 400 x 254 pixels
Screen refresh : 53.20 Hz
Palette colors : 32768
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 6
=> [1] High Punch, [2] Block, [3] High Kick
=> [4] Low Punch, [5] Low Kick, [6] Block
Released in November 1993. This game was the first Midway release to use the DCS Sound System.
'Noob Saibot' backwards spells 'Boon' and 'Tobias' who are the names of the principal game designers.
'Jax' was originally supposed to be in the original "Mortal Kombat" game and named Kurtis Stryker.
Jax was then moved to MKII and the Stryker character debuted in "Mortal Kombat 3".
'Kintaro' was originally intended to be a humanoid tiger, similar to the creature in Japanese mythology.
This idea was scrapped, however, due to the fact that creating the costume would not have been feasable.
However, thanks to this original idea, the Shokan we know as Kintaro has the tiger stripes on his back.
Real life : Philip Ahn, who played the regenerated Shang Tsung, is in fact a doctor.
Three of the cast members for filed a lawsuit against Midway shortly after the game was released.
The claim? The physical instructors/martial artists Elizabeth Malecki (Sonya Blade), Catalin Zamiar
(Kitana/Milenna) and Philip Ahn were under the impression that they were hired under typical acting
contracts and were entitled to a small modicum of benefits including royalties of title sales, etc.
The plaintiffs banded together against Midway, who took the case to court. Eventually the judge failed
on Midway's behalf, citing that the work done by the plaintiffs for Midway was done strictly as a 'work-for-
hire' and Midway owned all the property and benefits on the characters/titles/etc. As a consequence, all
three left the project, and were recast for "Mortal Kombat 3".
SFII / : both games were supposed to be released within weeks of each other (at this time, "Street Fighter"
and "Mortal Kombat" were the dominant fighting games).
Capcom released "Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers" early so that they could attract fans away
from MK. At the same time, Midway released early for similar reasons.
As you can see, the result meant that both came back to square one.
'Friendships' and 'Babalities' (see 'Tips And Tricks' section for more info) in MKII were used in making light
of the violence controversy in the first "Mortal Kombat" game.
Two non-
existent hidden characters were 'Torch', and 'Hornbuckle'. In MKII there is a location called 'The Pit II'.
Far in the background of this stage there is another bridge across the chasm. Standing stationary on this
bridge are two fighters : one of them is a Liu Kang sprite with green pants who was named Hornbuckle by
fans. One of Jade's hints was 'Hornbuckle who?', which people thought was the name of a hidden fighter,
and was apparently given to the guy opposite 'Torch' on The Pit II. If you watch the ending credits, one of
the programmers' last names is Hornbuckle. The other fighter is a humanoid character that seems to be
made of fire. As these two characters never move, it has been suggested that the 'other fighter' is actually
a funeral pyre. Finally, there is a cloaked figure who floats in front of the window during fights in The
Tower and Portal stages in MKII. This character was dubbed Cloak by fans, and was assumed to be a
hidden character. The character of Torch, who had been very popular with fans, eventually showed up as
a playable character in "Mortal Kombat : Deadly Alliance". Unfortunately, due to trademark issues, he had
to be called Blaze instead of Torch. The true identity of Cloak was revealed in "Mortal Kombat : Shaolin
Monks" to be one of Shang Tsung's servants, a shadow priest.
The head that occasionally appears after an uppercut and says 'Toasty' is the digitized head of Dan Forden
who worked on the sound and music for the game.
Jimmy Cardenas holds the official record for this game with 282,000 points.
Midway released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game
(Mortal Kombat II: Music from the Arcade Game Soundtrack - 123770-C1) on 01/12/1993.
REV. 1.1 :
* First version released to the public even though unfinished.
* Free Play on by default.
* Contained almost all moves but not many fatalities (certain characters have none, Babalities /
Friendships / Stage Fatalities missing completely.
* Kintaro and Shao Kahn very difficult to beat.
* Shao Kahn, Kano, and Sonya missing from Kahn's Arena stage.
* No ending stories.
* Several sounds missing (Sub-Zero's freeze, Baraka's blade swipe, All of Shao Kahn)
* Kung Lao is extremely buggy, walls can block hat toss.
* Shang Tsung had the ceiling walk bug.
* Could beat Kintaro by just punching the entire match.
* High score missing (Longest Winning Streaks).
* Certain characters use alternate colors by default.
* It says "Battlezone" instead of "Kombat Zone" at the bottom of the 2-player Vs. screen.
* You cannot throw the CPU.
* Fight ladder is static.
* Player 2 always has the 2nd palette.
* P2 Button 6 crashes the game (not used).
* Briefly locks up/No announcement if character(s) remain unchosen.
REV. 1.4 :
* Mileena's ground roll move added.
* Kung Lao's aerial kick added.
* Player 2 now has the 2nd palette only in 'Mirror Matches'.
* Sub-Zero could do the first part of the freeze-uppercut fatality during the match.
* Danger indicator added.
* Longest Winning Streaks added
REV. 2.1 :
* First 'official' release version.
* Intro text slightly changed.
* It now says "Kombat Zone" at the bottom of the 2-player Vs. screen.
* Reptile's slide added.
* Shao Kahn, Kano, and Sonya added to background in Kahn's Arena stage
(Shao Kahn is only seated on the throne when he is not fighting).
* Ending story and credits added.
* Computer intelligence improved.
* Nearly all fatalities were added.
* Friendships and babalities were added.
* The pit/spike fatality was added.
* Smoke and Jade were added.
* Kintaro and Shao Kahn easier to defeat.
* Could keep Kintaro and Shao Kahn up in the corner by using repeated punches.
* Could crash the game through baby brutalization.
* Doing Shang Tsung's soul stealing fatality against Jax could sometimes crash the game.
REV. 3.0 :
REV. 3.1 :
* More amounts of blood added.
* Dead Pool fatality added.
* Noob Saibot added.
* Raiden's super uppercut fatality added.
* Kung Lao's friendship added.
* Pictures of the creators added after the credits.
* Revolution X and DCS ads added.
* Comic and CD offer shows picture of CD.
* Computer intelligence increased.
* Computer has ability to do missile weapons in the air.
* Multiple babality problem fixed.
* Repeated punches in the corner against Kintaro fixed.
* Kitana's multiple fan lifts in the corner fixed.
* Sub-Zero freeze - punch - freeze - punch... fixed.
REV. 4.2 (hack) :
* Faster Uppercuts.
* Jax has a faster Face Smash.
* Jax's Face Smash has Liu Kang's sound FX.
* Cages Shadow Kick goes twice as far.
* Cage has full time Red Shadow moves.
* Multiple Dead Pool Fatality
(Normal Uppercut will knock the person in, then you can continue to hit them while they're in the acid).
* Play against Noob Saibot after 6 wins.
* Play Pong on battle 16 instead of 250.
* Fight Smoke whenever you catch the "Toasty" guy (not just the portal stage).
Not confirmed yet but still possible for REV. 4.2 or above
* Secret characters vulnerable to missile weapons.
* Liu Kang has a red dragon fatality.
* Kung Lao has a bones in his hat fatality.
* Barakas roundhouse has awesome range.
* Mixed ladder, and probably more.
REV. 9.1 (hack) :
* Faster Uppercuts.
* Jax has a faster Face Smash.
* Jax's Face Smash has Liu Kang's sound FX.
* Cages Shadow Kick goes twice as far.
* Cage has full time Red Shadow moves.
* Multiple Dead Pool Fatality
(Normal Uppercut will knock the person in, then you can continue to hit them while they're in the acid).
* Play against Noob Saibot after 6 wins.
* Play Pong on battle 16 instead of 250.
* Fight Smoke whenever you catch the "Toasty" guy (not just the portal stage).
* Play against Jade after 4 wins (Only change from 4.2 to 9.1?)
* Still more to find out!!!
CHALLENGER version (hack) :
* Faster Uppercuts.
* Jax has a faster Face Smash.
* Jax's Face Smash has Liu Kang's sound FX.
* Cages Shadow Kick goes twice as far.
* Cage has full time Red Shadow moves.
* Multiple Dead Pool Fatality
(Normal Uppercut will knock the person in, then you can continue to hit them while they're in the acid).
* Play against Noob Saibot after 6 wins.
* Play Pong on battle 16 instead of 250.
* Fight Smoke whenever you catch the 'Toasty' guy (not just the portal stage).
* Play against Jade after 4 wins.
* More difficult fight ladder that often begins with Kintaro or a hidden character.
* All of the secret characters can appear on the fight ladder.
* Super extended time to perform fatalities.
* Disable throws in Versus Mode : hold Down+HP on player one and two's controls after both fighters
have been selected. A message will confirm correct code entry.
* Display Top Fifteen Players : press Down during attract mode.
* Fight against Jade : progress through the game until the match that precedes the '?' match.
Defeat your opponent using just low kicks. Jade will now be your opponent during the '?' match.
* Fight against Noob Saibot : win 50 consecutive matches.
* Fight against Smoke : press Down+Start when Dan says 'Toasty' on the Bridge stage.
* "Pong" : accumulate 250 battles at the versus screen. Both players can play the Pong mini-game.
* Random character : press Up+Start at the fighter selection screen without moving the selection box
from its original position.
* Fatality - REPTILE :
1. (jump distance) Back(x2), Down, LP - Reptile shoots his tongue towards the victims head, bringing
it back where he goes about eating it.
2. (you must be invisible - close) Forward(x2), Down, HK - While invisible Reptile cuts the torso off the
* Fatality - SUB ZERO :
1. (far) hold LP, Back(x2), Down, Forward, release LP.
2a. (one step distance) Forward(x2), Down, HK - Sub-Zero will ice the victim over, putting them in a deep
2b. After deep freezing the victim, press Forward, Down, Forward(x2), HP - Sub-Zero will shatter the top
part of the body.
* Fatality - SCORPION :
1. (two step distance) hold Block, Up(x2), release Block, HP - Scorpion removes his mask and breathes
fire at the feet of the victim, which then twitches and explodes.
2. (anywhere) hold Block, Down(x2), Up(x2), release Block, HP - With the addition of the two downs at
the beginning, Scorpion may do the fatality at any distance, and always get the "Toasty!".
3. (close) hold HP, Down, Forward(x3), release HP - Scorpion slices the victim across the neck then cuts
them in two.
* Fatality - JOHNNY CAGE :
1. (close) Down(x2), Forward(x2), LP - Cage grabs the victim and rips their torso off, throwing it to the
2a. (close) Forward(x2), Down, Up. Cage crouches and punches off the head of the victim with a powerful
2b. To knock off three heads, hold Down+LP+HK+Block until the first head is knocked off.
* Fatality - BARAKA :
1. (close) Back(x4), HP - Baraka extends his blades from his arms, then decapitates the victim with one
2. (close) Back, Forward, Down, Forward, LP - Baraka stabs the victim and lifts them up, then they slowly
slide down the blade.
* Fatality - KUNG LAO :
1. (one step Distance) Forward(x3), LK - Kung Lao removes his razor hat and slices the victim down the
2. (far) hold LP, Back(x2), Forward, release LP, Up - Kung Lao throws his hat which decapitates the victim.
Make sure to guide the hat up so it hits the head.
* Fatality - RAYDEN :
1a. (close) hold LK for 3 seconds and release - Raiden grabs the victim and lifts them up, then proceeds
to shock them.
1b. After a dose of the shock treatment, press Block+LK repeatedly - The victim will explode into bits.
2. (close) hold HP (soon before the 'Finish Him') for 5 seconds and release - Raiden explodes the top half
of the victim with a powerful uppercut. A few moments later the head falls to the ground.
* Fatality - JAX :
1. (close) hold LP, Forward(x3), release LP - Jax claps the victims head with a loud pop, and the skull
crumbles in pieces to the ground.
2. (one step distance) Block(x4), LP - Jax grabs the victim by the arms and rips them off the body.
* Fatality - LIU KANG :
1. (close or one step distance) hold Block, 360 degrees - Liu Kang will do a cartwheel kick then a massive
2. (close) Down, Forward, Back(x2), HK - Liu Kang will transform into a dragon and bite the victim in half,
leaving the legs standing.
* Fatality - KITANA :
1. (close) Block(x3), HK - Kitana draws her fan and decapitates the victim with one swipe.
2. (close) hold LK, Forward(x2), Down, Forward, release LK - Kitana leans and kisses the victim, which
then expands to unnatural proportions and explodes.
* Fatality - MILEENA :
1. (close) hold HK for 2 seconds and release - Mileena removes her mask revealing Baraka-like teeth and
inhales the victim, spitting out the bones.
2. (close) Forward, Back, Forward, LP - Mileena repeatedly stabs the victim, lifting them up as blood sprays
* Fatality - SHANG TSUNG :
1. (one step distance) hold HK for 4 seconds and release - Tsung turns into a mist and enters the victims
body, which explodes.
2. (close) hold Block, Up, Down, Up, release Block, LK - Tsung picks up the victim with one hand, and
drains their life force into his other hand.
3. (one step Distance) hold LP at the round start and release it 3 seconds after the 'Finish him' - Tsung
turns into Kintaro, who punches the torso of the victim across the screen.
* Fatality - level 'Dead Pool'
All players : (close) hold (LP+LK), (Down+HP).
Oh Woah! : hold Down.
* Fatality - level 'Spikes' and 'PIT II' :
REPTILE : (close) Down(x2), Forward(x2), Block.
SUB ZERO : (close) Down(x2), Forward(x2), Block.
SCORPION : (close) Down(x2), Forward(x2), Block.
JOHNNY CAGE : (close) Down(x3) HK.
BARAKA : (close) Forward(x2), Down, HK.
KUNG LAO : (close) Forward(x3), HP.
RAYDEN : (close) hold Block, Up(x2), release Block.
JAX : (close) hold Block, Up(x2), release Block, Down, LK.
LIU KANG : (close) Down, Back, Forward(x2), LK.
KITANA : (close) Forward, Down, Forward, HK.
MILEENA : (close) Forward, Down, Forward, LK.
SHANG TSUNG : (close) Down(x2), Up, Down+Block.
* Spikes Trick : Hold Player1 and Player2 Down at the end of the fatality to send the character in the spikes.
* Finish him - Friendship (don't use LP and HP during the last round)
REPTILE : (anywhere) Back(x2), Down, LK - Reptile attempts to sell you a Reptile doll.
SUB ZERO : (anywhere) Back(x2), Down, LK - Sub-Zero attempts to sell you a Sub-Zero doll.
SCORPION : (anywhere) Back(x2), Down, HK - Scorpion attempts to sell you a Scorpion doll.
JOHNNY CAGE : (anywhere) Down(x4), HK - Cage autographs his photo for his best fan.
BARAKA : (anywhere) hold Block, Up(x2), release Block, Forward(x2), HK - Baraka offers the victim a
KUNG LAO : (anywhere) Back(x3), Down, HK - Lao pulls a rabbit out of his hat.
RAYDEN : (anywhere) Down, Back, Forward, HK - Raiden creates Kidd Thunder, a miniature likeness.
JAX : (anywhere) Down(x2), Hold Block, Up(x2), release Block, LK - Jax creates a string of paper dolls.
LIU KANG : (anywhere) Forward, Back(x3), LK - A disco globe drops from the ceiling, and Kang gets down.
KITANA : (anywhere) Down(x4), hold Block, Up, release Block, LK - Kitana turns around and produces a
cake with candles.
MILEENA : (anywhere) Down(x3), hold Block, Up, release Block, HK - Mileena grows a flower beneath her
outstretched hand.
SHANG TSUNG : (anywhere) Back(x2), Down, Forward, HK - Tsung creates a rainbow above his head.
* Finish him - Babality (don't use LP and HP during the last round)
REPTILE : (anywhere) Down, Back(x2), LK.
SUB ZERO : (anywhere) Down, Back(x2), HK.
SCORPION : (anywhere) Down, Back(x2), HK.
JOHNNY CAGE : (anywhere) Back(x3), HK.
BARAKA : (anywhere) Forward(x3), HK.
KUNG LAO : (anywhere) Back(x2), Forward(x2), HK.
RAYDEN : (anywhere) Down(x2), hold Block, Up, release Block, HK.
JAX : (anywhere) hold Block, Down, Up, Down, Up, release Block, LK.
LIU KANG : (anywhere) Down(x2), Forward, Back, LK.
KITANA : (anywhere) Down(x3), LK.
MILEENA : (anywhere) Down(x3), HK.
SHANG TSUNG : (anywhere) Back, Forward, Down, HK.
1. Mortal Kombat (1992)
2. Mortal Kombat II (1993)
3. Mortal Kombat 3 (1994)
4. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (1994)
5. Mortal Kombat Trilogy (1996, Nintendo 64, Sony Playstation, Sega Saturn)
6. Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero (1997, Nintendo 64, Sony PlayStation)
7. Mortal Kombat 4 (1997)
8. Mortal Kombat - Special Forces (2000, Sony PlayStation)
9. Mortal Kombat Advance (2001, Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
10. Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance (2002, Nintendo GameCube, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)
11. Mortal Kombat - Tournament Edition (2003, Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
12. Mortal Kombat - Deception / Mystification (2004, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)
13. Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks (2005, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)
14. Mortal Kombat - Armageddon (2006, Microsoft XBOX, Sony PlayStation 2)
Design and software : Ed Boon
Design and graphics : John Tobias
Background graphics : Tony Goskie
Sound and music : Dan Forden
Additional graphics : John Vogel
Senior hardware technician : Sheridan Oursler
Executive producers : Neil Nicastro, Ken Fedesna
Hardware designers : Ray Macika, Pat Cox, Cary Mednick, Ray Gay, Al Lasko
DCS sound system : Matt Booty, Ed Keenan, John Lowes
Speechs : Steve Ritchie, Jon Hey, Vince Pontarelli, Dan Forden (TOASTY), Ed Boon
Game Testers / Specialists : Kerry Marzo, Eddie Ferrier, Jeff Johnson
* CAST :
Baraka : Richard Divizio
Liu Kang : Ho Sung Pak
Raiden : Carlos Pesina
Johnny Cage, Sub-Zero, Reptile and Scorpion : Daniel Pesina
Kitana and Mileena : Katalin Zamiar
Kung lao : Anthony Marquez
Shang tsung : Phillip Ahn M.D.
Jax : John Parrish
* Consoles :
Nintendo Super Famicom (1993)
Sega Mega Drive (1994)
Sega Game Gear (1994)
Sega Master System
Nintendo Game Boy (1994)
Sega 32x (1995)
Sony PlayStation (1996)
Sega Saturn (1996)
Microsoft XBOX (2004, "Midway Arcade Treasures 2")
Nintendo GameCube (2004, "Midway Arcade Treasures 2")
Sony PlayStation 2 (2004, "Midway Arcade Treasures 2")
Sony PlayStation 2 (2005, unlockable feature in "Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks")
Microsoft XBOX (2005, unlockable feature in "Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks")
Sony PSP (2005, "Midway Arcade Treasures - Extended Play")
Sony PlayStation 3 (2007, "PlayStation Network")
* Computers :
Commodore Amiga (1994)
PC [MS-DOS, CD-ROM] (1994)
PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2006, "Midway Arcade Treasures Deluxe Edition")
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.
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