마메(Mame)란 무엇인가??
■ 마메 (Mame)란 무엇인가?? Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator의 약자. 말그대로 오락실 게임 기계의 CPU, 비디오, 사운드등을 가상으로 구현해서 기판에서 PC로 덤프된 롬파일을 실행시키는 에뮬레이터.
[초보자 필독!] MAME 초보자를 위한 게임실행 방법
■ [초보자 필독!] MAME 초보자를 위한 게임실행 방법 ● 본 설명은 초보자를 위해 작성된 설명입니다. 천천히 읽고 따라 해보시면 충분히 게임을 실행하실 수 있습니다. ● 현재 제가 사용하고
마메 바이오스 v0.210 ( mame biso pack v0.210 )
마메 바이오스가 필요로 하는 롬파일을 위해 "roms" 폴더에 넣어주세요. 다운로드 후 압축을 풀고 생성된 zip 파일 형식의 바이오스를 "roms" 폴더에 그대로 넣어주시면 됩니다. 파일 다운로드
'Q & A' 카테고리의 글 목록
고전게임 블로그
마메 부모롬과 클론롬의 차이
■ 마메 부모롬과 클론롬의 차이 - 게임이 처음 발매될 때, 각 나라별로 언어가 다르거나 그 나라 사정에 맞춰서 내부코드가 약간씩 수정되어 나옵니다. 그래서 같은 게임이라도 미국버전, 유럽
잘 모르시는 분들은 위 내용들을 확인하시고 진행하시면 수월하게 게임을 하실 수 있습니다.
게임 제작사 (Making) - Namco
제작 년도 (Since) - 1986 년
카테고리 (Category) - Platform / Shooter Scrolling
에뮬 구분 (Emulator) - 마메 (Mame)
게임용량 (Size) - 340.81 KB
소스 (Source) - namcos86.c
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10MB 보다 큰 파일은 용량 제한으로 인하여 반디집으로 분할 압축되어 있습니다.
다운받으신 다음 압축을 한번 해제한 후 zip 형식의 롬파일을 roms 폴더에 넣어주셔야 합니다.
원본롬 (Roms)
원본롬 파일은 게임 실행에 반드시 필요하므로 다운 받아야 합니다.
클론롬 (Clone Roms)
롤링 썬더 (구버전) Rolling Thunder (old version)
마메 플러스 v0.145
■ MAME Plus! v0.145u5 r5002 x64 x86 마메 롬파일들을 구동시켜주는 에뮬레이터 다운로드 후 압축해제하고 생성된 "mamepgui.exe" 를 실행하세요. ■ 다운로드 64비트 32비트
남코의 횡스크롤 런 앤 건 게임.
작중의 모티브는 영화 롤링 썬더, 그리고 제임스 본드 시리즈로 추정되는 하드보일드 스파이 액션게임이다.
1편에서는 악의 조직 겔드라의 세계정복 야욕 저지를 위해 먼저 침투했다 사로잡힌 동료 레일라를 구하기 위해 WCPO 공작원
알바트로스가 단독 침투하는 1인용 액션 게임이었지만, 2편에서는 레일라가 플레이 가능 캐릭터가 된다.
2편은 대놓고 제임스 본드풍의 게임. 1의 주인공 알바트로스도 올빽머리의 제임스 본드처럼 인상이 바뀌었다.
Rolling Thunder (c) 1986 Namco.
A single player takes on the role of a James Bond-esque secret agent codenamed 'Albatross'; who is a
member of the "Rolling Thunder" agency.
His mission is to stop a criminal organization known as Geldra, as well as rescuing a captured agent, Lelia
Blitz, and overthrowing Geldra's leader, Maboo.
Rolling Thunder is a horizontally-scrolling platform shoot-em-up that is very similar in style - and was an
obvious influence on - Sega's legendary "Shinobi", released a year later.
Like Shinobi, the action takes place on two levels of platforms; with the player jumping and dropping as
and when required.
Each level is littered with doors; most of these contain constantly emerging enemies and must be carefully
passed; some doors, however, also provide ammunition and new weapons; such rooms are clearly marked.
Namco System 86 hardware
Game ID : RT
Main CPU : (2x) M6809 (@ 1.536 Mhz), HD63701 (@ 1.536 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.57958 Mhz), Namco 8-channel WSG, Namco (@ 6 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 288 x 224 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.61 Hz
Palette colors : 512
Players : 2
Control : 4-way joystick
Buttons : 2
Released in December 1986, this is the first jamma game ever produced.
Licensed to Atari for US distribution.
A Rolling Thunder unit appears in the 1996 movie 'High School High'.
Alfa Records released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game
(Namco Game Music Vol.1 - 28XA-170) on 25/07/1987.
* New title screen.
* BGM of area 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 10 are changed.
* Different enemy arrangement.
* Addition of a Continue feature.
* Addition of the Extra-life feature.
* 150 time units (180 in the old version).
* One of rolling thunder's more useful 'hidden features' is that it's actually possible to visit the ammo
rooms more than once.
Once you have stocked up on bullets from a particular room (for example, a Machine-Gun-Bullets room),
go forward past the door approximately the distance of two jumps (ensuring that the door in question is
completely off screen), then turn back, visit the room again, and find more ammo.
The reason this works is because the game is divided into invisible 'sections' and once you cross a section
boundary, the game forgets everything from the previous section.
* A step-by-step guide to one of Rolling Thunder's more impressive glitches :
1) In levels five and ten, once you get to a certain point in the level (around halfway through), you come
up against two boxes stacked on top of each other (i.e. you can't jump over it), and a platform above you
(on which you jump and continue to the RIGHT).
2) At this point, jump UP onto the platform, then position yourself at the very RIGHT EDGE of the railing
on the platform (you can only jump up/down where railing is present) which should correspond to the very
LEFT EDGE of the BOXES; then jump DOWN. This will put you at the very LEFT EDGE of the boxes.
3) Next, making sure not to move the joystick to the left, walk towards the RIGHT, hit the JUMP button, and
you should find yourself 'caught' between the bottom and top boxes. Then jump RIGHT again, clearing the
top box and landing on the ground. Don't fire at anyone, and don't panic, but simply go to the RIGHT watch
yourself walk through everybody completely unharmed.
You can simply walk past everyone until you reach the final, cloak-wearing enemy.
Finally, providing you have properly stocked up on 'MG bullets' earlier in the game, simply hold down the
fire button and kill the enemy.
One final thing to note is that when using this method on level TEN, in that last area before the final arena,
there are the 'stairs-like' hurdles, and on each of these steps, a white enemy will appear.
4) You have to be careful not to be in too much of a hurry, or they will follow you into the arena, where
they can and will hurt you, or keep you busy enough that the guy in the cloak will.
So make sure you have a little extra time to let those guys disappear off the screen (after you've made all
of them appear) before going after the guy in the cloak in the arena.
* This is completely useless, but fun to do : at the end of each level there is this force field, which drags you
through the door. Just before you get sucked in, turn your back to the exit and make low jumps (jump
button only) while pushing the joystick towards the exit. This results in your agent jumping backwards a
little every time. When the force field catches you, your character will appear to 'moonwalk' into the exit.
1. Rolling Thunder (1986)
2. Rolling Thunder 2 (1990)
3. Rolling Thunder 3 (1993, Sega Mega Drive)
Music composed by : Junko Ozawa
* Consoles :
Nintendo Famicom (1989)
Atari Lynx [Unreleased Prototype]
Sony PlayStation (1998, "Namco Museum Encore") : Japanese release only
Sony PlayStation 2 (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary")
Microsoft XBOX (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary")
Nintendo GameCube (2005,"Namco Museum 50th Anniversary")
Sony PSP (2005, "Namco Museum Battle Collection")
Microsoft XBOX 360 (2008, "Namco Museum Virtual Arcade")
* Computers :
Atari ST (1986)
Commodore Amiga (1987)
Commodore C64 (1988)
Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1988)
Amstrad CPC (1988)
Commodore Amiga (1988, "Amiga Gold Hits 1")
PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary")
* Others :
LCD handheld game (1986) released by MGA (Micro Games of America).
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.
- 올라온 자료에 문제가 있을 시 댓글 달아주시면 수정하도록 하겠습니다.
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