잘 모르시는 분들은 위 내용들을 확인하시고 진행하시면 수월하게 게임을 하실 수 있습니다.
게임 제작사 (Making) - Konami
제작 년도 (Since) - 1988년
카테고리 (Category) - Platform / Shooter Scrolling
에뮬 구분 (Emulator) - 마메 (Mame)
게임용량 (Size) - 1.17 MB
소스 (Source) - thunderx.c
10MB 보다 큰 파일은 용량 제한으로 인하여 반디집으로 분할 압축되어 있습니다.
다운받으신 다음 압축을 한번 해제한 후 zip 형식의 롬파일을 roms 폴더에 넣어주셔야 합니다.
원본롬 (Roms)
원본롬 파일은 게임 실행에 반드시 필요하므로 다운 받아야 합니다.
클론롬 (Clone Roms)
슈퍼 혼두라 (魂斗羅) - 에일리언의 역습 (일본판) Super Contra (Japan)
다운 받으신 후 압축 해제하지 말고 artwork 폴더에 넣어주세요.
1988년에 코나미에서 제작된 콘트라의 후속작으로 콘트라 시리즈의 통산 2번째 작품이다.
한층 더 진화한 그래픽과 사운드로 무장하고 점프 버튼의 강약에 따라 조절되는 점프 높이 등의 조작변화 등등 전작과는 상당히
다른 테이스트의 게임이 되었다.
한가지 재미있는 것은 2스테이지의 BGM이 러브 플러스에서 영화관에 가서 액션 영화를 볼 때 흘러 나온다는 것.
또한 종래의 횡스크롤에서 3인칭 시점으로 변화한 전작과는 다르게 탑뷰 형식의 게임이 추가되었고 탑뷰 형식의 게임을 진행시엔
전멸폭탄이 추가되는 등 나름대로 큰 변화가 있었다.
난이도도 전작에 비해선 낮아지는 등의 유저를 배려한 점도 주목할 만 하다.
다만 2주차 때는 게임의 난이도가 확 올라가서 머신건의 2단계 파워업이 없으면 클리어가 거의 불가능하다.
그리고 전작에선 에일리언이 페이스 허거 형태만으로 표현된 것과는 다르게 성체의 에일리언 형태의 적이 나타나는가 하면
(저작권 분쟁을 염려했는지 종래 에일리언 디자인에 거대한 모노아이가 붙은 디자인) 혼두라 스피리치의 메탈 에일리언의 전신인
'마더 에일리언' (날개달린 에일리언) 이 보스로 나타나는 등 적의 디자인에도 한층 신경을 썼다.
보스 캐릭터들도 전작과는 다르게 거대하고 디자인도 일신되어 한층 더 박력있는 전투를 즐기게 한 점 또한 주목할만 하다.
전작보다 발전된 모습이 많이 보였지만 아쉽게도 당시 아케이드 게임센터 (오락실) 에서의 지명도나 보급률을 전작에 크게 못
미쳐 많이 아쉬움을 남긴 작품이기도 하다.
Super Contra (c) 1988 Konami.
The sequel to "Contra", released a full year after the original On December 2634, a disturbing distress signal
from General Hal - who was on his way to South America in preparation for the GX Army's 7th military
maneuvers- is received, reporting that the GX Army has suddenly revolted. The top branch of the federation
forces calls in Bill and Lance to investigate the situation.
They arrive at the base ruins, only to find out to be attacked by the members of the GX Army.
Bill notices the pale blue skin and the lifeless eyes in their former allies and begins shooting at them.
As it turns out, the GX Army is being possessed by a mutated form of the alien creatures they fought at
Galuga. And so the battle between the Contras and the aliens has begun again.
Super Contra plays identically to its predecessor, with the usual mix of run-and-gun gameplay.
The main difference was that the into-the-screen stages of the original Contra were replaced by overhead
stages. In addition, weapons were now upgradeable and represented by the actual guns themselves as
opposed to the letter icons of the first game. Players have also gained the ability to duck underwater to
avoid being shot. There are a total of five levels, many of which have sub-bosses.
The available weapons in the game are as followed :
* Machine Gun - Fires bullets at auto-fire. The upgraded version increases the firing rate to a near-
ridiculous speed.
* Bomb Launcher - Fires bombs that spreads fire when it hits its target.
The upgraded version causes bigger explosions.
* Laser Rifle - Fires a powerful laser beam once per shot. The upgraded version fires a larger beam.
* Spread Shot - Fires a three-way shot. Increases to a five-way spread after the upgrade.
* Mega Shell - Available only in the top-view stages.
After picking it up, the player can launch it by pressing the jump button and kill all on-screen enemies.
The stages are as follow :
* Area 1 - Outer Base (side-view) - Takes place in a military base overrun by possessed soldiers.
Bosses includes a manned tank and a possessed helicopter. At the end of the level, the player must
destroy a core protected by a pair of snipers and a grenade thrower to gain entrance to the next area.
* Area 2 - Inner Base (top-view) - Inside a tank hanger filled with manned tanks and cannons in addition
to enemy soldiers. The boss at the end is the Hyper Electric Magnetic Tank Magnus, which is operated by
three gunners.
* Area 3 - Jungle (side-view) - Enemies come from trees as the player progress through the level.
The player will sometime have to cross a lake, which they can hide underneath to avoid fire.
As the player reaches the end of the level, they begin fighting against alien eggs that produce facehugger
like creatures (the same ones featured in the original game).
The boss at the end is an alien shrine with a skull.
* Area 4 - 1st Alien Lair (side-view) - Takes place inside an alien nest.
The enemies are now xenomorph-like creatures and mouths that shoot alien spawns.
The sub-boss is an alien hovercraft composed of skulls, while the actual boss is a flying alien.
* Area 5 - 2nd Alien Lair (top-view) - The final stage, filled with mouths emerging from the ground, flying
heads and spider-like creatures. The final boss is Gaver, a giant alien head with snake-like arms.
After destroying the final boss, you can see a small alien spawn which flies off-screen if you pay close
Game ID : GX775
Main CPU : KONAMI (@ 3 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 3.579545 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.579545 Mhz), K007232 (@ 3.579545 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 224 x 288 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 1024
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2
Released in January 1988.
This game is known in Japan as "Super Contra - Alien no Gyakushuu [GX775]".
King Records released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game
(Music From Super Contra & AJax - K30X-7702) on 21/03/1988.
The western version ends the game after the staff roll, while the Japanese version takes the player to a
second and harder cycle of the game.
1. Contra (1987)
2. Super Contra (1988)
3. Operation C (1991, Nintendo Game Boy)
4. Contra Force (1992, Nintendo NES)
5. Contra III - The Alien Wars (1992, Nintendo Super Famicom)
6. Contra - Hard Corps (1994, Sega Mega Drive)
7. Contra - Legacy of War (1996, Sony PlayStation)
8. C - The Contra Adventure (1998, Sony PlayStation)
9. Contra - Shattered Soldier (2002, Sony PlayStation 2)
10. Neo Contra (2004, Sony PlayStation 2)
11. Contra 4 (2007, Nintendo DS)
12. Contra ReBirth (2009, Nintendo Wii - WiiWare)
Written & directed by : H. Tsujimoto
Assistant director : K. Wada
Associate to directors : S. Fujiwara, T. Koudo
Production sound mixer : Y. Uno
Music editors : K. Muraoka, Motoaki Furukawa
Art director : K. Nakamura
Set director : N. Sugita
Titles : H. Takatani, N. Ishii
Makeup supervisor : M. Moriyama
Conceptual artist : T. Jinbo
Electronics designer : K. Hashima
Publicity supervisor : F. Shibuya
Still photographer : J. Tanaka
Translator : K. Hayashi
Produced by : K. Hiroshita
* Consoles :
Nintendo NES (1990, "Super C")
Microsoft XBOX 360 (2007,"Xbox Live Arcade")
Nintendo Wii (2007, "Super C" - NES version)
Nintendo DS (2007, "Contra 4", as an unlockable bonus content)
* Computers :
Commodore Amiga (1990, "Super C")
PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2002, "Konami Collector's Series - Castlevania & Contra")
* Others :
Mobile Phones (2008)
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.
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